The Night isn't over yet

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"Today we probably won't hear the big reconciliation and confession of love anymore. They both seem to want to sleep," complained Ellie sullenly when Sam and Penny were still lying there twenty minutes later with their eyes closed. But they weren't sleeping, as you could see very clearly when one of them rubbed their eyes every now and then.

"They've already made it pretty clear how they feel about each other, but I can imagine more romantic places than a prison cell," Charlie said, not very enthusiastically. "Especially since the two of them are still separated by a wall."

"And they both probably have a lot going on in their heads right now that they have to come to terms with first," Elliot objected, bored.

To hear that they had always had a chance with the other person they loved more than anything else in the world, after years of always thinking that the other person had rejected them and didn't want them, had to be terrible. Even now, neither of them clearly knew what to do. Penny was pregnant by Sam, but was in a relationship with someone else and Sam didn't know the former, but had just made it clear because of his competitor that he didn't want to get in her way anymore. The ball was clearly in Penny's court and she was a head person. She certainly needed a little time to digest the lost years, but also to find out what she really wanted now, after she had fallen in love with another man.

"What do you mean?" Sarah immediately asked my older colleague.

"Oh, come on! Elliot's right! Hearing after 8 years that they only wanted to protect each other and that their entire argument was based on misunderstandings must be pretty hard. They've wasted so much time and done so much wrong because they didn't just listen to each other earlier. They both have to let that sink in," Arnold said to stand up for our colleague.

"I'm also missing the big bang at the end of the story," I objected sullenly, earning confused looks from everyone. "What? Every great love story has that one particularly emotional moment at the end when they find each other," I explained to them what I meant, shrugging my shoulders.

"We're not in a romance movie here, but in real life, Niall. Not everything goes as you expect and especially not with a bang," Sarah replied with a smile and patted my knee.

"Let's hope that at least the ending turns out as well as we hope," Ellie noted, looking at the screen. I followed her gaze and saw that the two of them were still lying there exactly as they had been a few minutes before. Tonight they certainly wouldn't confess their undying love to each other. They seemed to have calmed down and fallen asleep by now.

"Do we want to go back out to see the others? It's getting late," I asked Sarah quietly and took her hand that had come to rest on my knee as she nodded.

We got up and went out after saying goodbye to Malcolm, who would be in charge of the two prisoners tonight. My colleagues, Sarah's father and Ellie followed us back to the park. None of us felt like talking. Apparently it wasn't just Sam and Penny who had to let what they had just heard sink in.

"So? Is there anything new?" Nurse Flood interrupted me from my thoughts when we had already reached the others. They all sat together at two sets of benches next to each other. The other four found seats all around, while Sarah and I had two available at the end of the bench next to Hannah. So we sat down with them and took turns telling the others what they had talked about.

Sam's parents had taken into account the late hour and had already gone back to their apartment so Cody could go to sleep. According to Susen, my parents had accompanied them back to open a bottle of wine with them. I couldn't say whether it was a good idea for the four of them to talk about their sons over wine, but at least they didn't know what we were up to with Sam and Penny. Not only would my Mom have pulled my ears out, she would most likely have spanked me as well.

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