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I'm going to put this at the top just so people know and will stop asking me.
Diovanna is selective mute, in my story '...' this means someone is signing and "..." this means speaking. A lot of people were becoming confused so I wanted to clarify.

Trigger Warnings ⚠️
-foul language
Ps. I'll try and put the TW above the chapter.

Since Romance is not the main
trope in this book, there will not be a
whole lot of smut.
However, in one of my later books -that is
just a romance- I plan to write a lot
more of it.

About the author
-I have never written anything outside of an English essay!!
-This is my first story so if you see any spelling or grammatical mistakes please to let me know so I can fix it.
-And please no hate!! I worked hard on this story.

As a Reader
-Also as a reader, how would you like me to refer to you guys as?
-cause I could call yall my Hoes, or my Loves yk?
-I like Hoes but I don't want anyone to be offended.

Also it's ok if yall don't read this I usually skip this shit to 😭

-NONE of the photos in this book are mine!
-All photos are off of Pinterest and were not taken or created by me!!
-However, I did use those photos to create the Aesthetics for the characters and the cover for this book.
-Everything in this book is written by me, this story and all of my books for the future are from my imagination.
-If you have read something like this on another app, please let me know! I only use wattpad to both write and read so idk what other apps there are.
-Ok also if this story is like idk quite similar to someone else story pls let me know! Ok I've read like 20 books like these but i haven't seen one with my idea like this so if so pls tell me the book, sorry im rambling.
-Speaking of copying don't copy my story, I tell police on u ok. Okz

About Chapters
-I will also put songs at the top of the chapter, bc I love listening to music when reading! 

TikTok: wattpad_author24
-I'm working on making an Instagram account.

Back to the story-
Oh anyway back to the story. Enjoy

Start: January 28 2024🔛🔝

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