Chapter 10 - Report

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Lan talks to Siuan.

When Lan entered, Siuan stood behind her desk, still wearing her calm Aes Sedai mask.

"I thank you for your time, Mother." Lan's bow seemed more formal this time than when he had addressed Alanna, Sheriam, or Leane.

The Amyrlin moved her hands, then made a 'come closer' gesture, and the doors between her and Leane's room closed with a pang.

Yet, Lan didn't wince. Calmly, he watched her move her hands again before she placed them on her side with her palms facing the walls. The Warder had seen his Aes Sedai weaving a privacy shield many times in the past, so he recognized the movement.

He also knew when the shield was in place because, at the same time, Siuan's shoulders lowered, and her Aes Sedai mask fell.

"Where is she?"

Fear was written all over Siuan's face. She was afraid of what Lan would tell her – afraid of what had happened to her lover. Her eyes moved over Lan, searching for an indication of pain – of losing a loved one. But he didn't look differently than usual. It was always hard to guess what Lan Mandragoran was thinking or feeling, but would he be able to keep his posture if he had lost his bonded Aes Sedai? The only good thing was, Siuan couldn't see the golden serpent ring around his neck.

"Is she...?" She couldn't say it.

"She is alive."

Siuan released a shaking breath, then had to sit down. She was trembling and didn't know how long her legs would continue to carry her.

Alarmed, Lan took a step forward – ready to catch her if needed – but she stopped him by lifting her hand. "I'll be all right. I just... need a moment."

Lan understood and waited for her to regain her composure.

Finally, Siuan repeated her first question. "Where is she?" Her voice still sounded shaken, but she seemed better.

"Not in Tar Valon."


"Outside of the gates."

Light, this could be anywhere! Was it so hard for this man to speak more than five words?! "Lan, I swear I will pin you to this wall like a worm on a hook if you don't start talking. Where is Moiraine? Who is with her while you're here? What has happened since you left Tar Valon? Does she know who the Dragon Reborn is?"

The uncrowned king of Malkier sighed heavily. Questions over questions, and he didn't have time for that. He needed to search for his Aes Sedai! But first, he needed to fill in Siuan like Moiraine had wanted him to. So, he went back to the beginning.

"After we left Tar Valon, we used a Waygate to get faster to the Eye of the World. An Ogier helped us, but the Ways aren't safe anymore. Trollocs found a way to enter the Ways, and one attacked us, so we had to leave earlier than planned."

Siuan pulled her lips into a grim line. "Trollocs in the Ways. Let me guess, Moiraine used Saidar and pulled the attention of the Black Wind on you."

But Lan shook his head. "It wasn't her. Egwene channeled the One Power unconsciously. The girl was scared. She didn't mean to harm anyone."

Siuan rubbed her temples. She had heard the stories about the Black Wind but, luckily, never experienced it on her own.

"We escaped and found shelter in Fal Dara."

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