Chapter 12 - Not easy to kill

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Moiraine goes after the Fade to save her sister.

The forest was dark except for the beams of moonlight falling through the forest canopy. Moiraine wanted to scream. She couldn't push Aldieb to go faster without risking she would break a leg or worse. Was she even riding in the right direction?!

"Let go of me!"

Immediately, the Aes Sedai brought the mare to a halt. This voice... this had been her sister! But where was she? For a moment, she was tempted to call for her, then stopped herself. She wanted to save Anvaere, not walking into the blade of a Myrddraal.

"Do you know who I am, you ugly creature?!"

Oh, Anvaere has found her voice again. Moiraine could only hope her sister was smart enough to know when to stop insulting the Shadowspawn. If she wasn't careful, the Myrddraal would kill her for her sharp tongue.

It seems like I'm on the right path. Anvaere sounded close by. They can't be far anymore.

"Help! Can someone hear me?!"

Cursing, Moiraine let Aldieb move on. The mare was nervous. She knew there was Shadowspawn waiting in the dark, and Moiraine knew her brave mare would've liked to return to the stable – back to Mandarb, back to Lan.

"I know," the Cairhien woman whispered and patted Aldieb's flank. "I would like to return too. But we can't leave Anvaere behind. The Myrddraal will kill her. And as annoying as she is, she is still my sister."

The forest opened to a clearing. The moon enlightened the little bushes and old ruins – probably from a former building or two. Moiraine was thankful for finally seeing everything again, but this also meant she couldn't hide anymore.

"You will regret this! As soon as I get my hands on my bow, I will kill you!"

Anvaere was close, yet Moiraine couldn't see her. Where are you, Anvaere? Finally, a movement caught her eye. Her sister sat under a tree, her hands tied to a thick root. Furiously, she tried to free herself – unsuccessfully. But where was her kidnapper?

A shadow emerged from behind an old stone wall right in front of Aldieb. The Aes Sedai saw the danger too late. The Myrddraal had waited for her, using her sister as bait to lure Moiraine out.

It released a scream, which rang in Moiraine's ears, and the woman needed to cover them to muffle the sound. It was horrible!

Aldieb moved backward, but the Myrddraal went into action. It swung its sword, and the mare escaped the poisonous blade by moving onto her hind legs. At the same time, she used her forelegs to kick the creature in the face. The Shadowspawn screamed when Aldieb's hooves hit it and went down.

Sadly, it wasn't the only one who took an involuntarily fall to the ground. Because of Aldieb's sudden movement, Moiraine couldn't hold herself in the saddle and fell off her back. Pain shot through her body when her shoulder and hip hit the ground. Light, that hurt!


Groaning, the Aes Sedai pushed herself on her feet. Every bone in her body hurt! It was clearly not the best way to dismount a horse.

Aldieb appeared beside her, trying to push her forward – away from the enemy. Moiraine groaned when her body protested at the movement, then stepped aside. She couldn't run away. The creature was already getting back on its own feet.

"Run," she whispered to the mare. "Get out of here."

Again, Aldieb tried to take her owner with her, but Moiraine shook her head. "I can't leave. Run."

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