Chapter 29 - Let me do it

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Lan and Siuan develop a plan for how to deal with their tricky situation.

The uncrowned king of Malkier cupped his bondholder's cheek, and Moiraine leaned into his touch immediately. Her eyes were closed, and she moaned gently. Light, she obviously couldn't move a muscle!

With the flick of her wrist, Siuan ended the weave that had tied Moiraine's hands together. Groaning, the woman of the Blue Ajah moved her arms until her hands lay beside her head but couldn't go any further. Siuan chuckled at the sight of her lover. "And that is how she looks when she is genuinely and truthfully spent, unable to move anymore."

"I think I can see that," Lan responded.

The Amyrlin smiled at him sweetly, then pulled Moiraine's underdress down to cover the exhausted woman. "Will you help me to place her more comfortable?"

"Let me do it." The Warder pulled his Aes Sedai's upper body up against his chest, carefully steadying her head, while his other hand moved under her legs. Then he placed her in the middle of the bed, putting her head on the soft pillow.

Meanwhile, the woman of Tear untied her boots before crawling beside her lover, wrapping her arm over Moiraine's belly. The Cairhien woman reacted immediately by turning her face toward the other woman so their foreheads connected. But when she tried to roll on her side in her sleepy condition, it was hopeless.

Luckily, Siuan and Lan noticed her struggle and helped her to turn over so the Amyrlin could pull her properly into her arms.

After that, the Malkieri grabbed the blanket, pulling it over the two women to keep them warm. "I'll light the fire."

But as soon as the Warder left their side, Moiraine turned restless. Groaning, her hand searched for Lan behind her, and she even started to fight against Siuan's embrace when she couldn't find him.

"Shhh, pufferfish. It's all right. I'm here." The Amyrlin tried to calm the woman of the Blue Ajah by kissing her softly and holding her close.

It was hopeless. Moiraine started to whimper and fought against sleep. "Moiraine...," Siuan started when the Cairhien woman finally broke free. She rolled on her back while her right hand continued to search the bed for Lan.

"Fishguts! Lan, come here!" The uncrowned king of Malkier needed one look before he hurried back to the bed. "See? Lan is also here. There is no need to worry."

Lan grabbed Moiraine's searching hand, brought it to his lips, and pressed soft kisses on her knuckles. "It's all right, Moiraine. I'm here. I just need to light the fire. It's freezing cold in here." But when he lowered his bondholder's hand, her fingers automatically reached for his face. She didn't want to let go of him. Her eyes opened and closed rapidly, close to giving in to her exhaustion.

Light, that stubborn woman fights against sleep though she can barely keep her eyes open! Lan cursed inwardly when he saw Moiraine's struggle.

"Moiraine." He used his gentlest tone to calm her and stroked her hair comforting. "Sleep. I won't leave you. I promised I wouldn't."

"Blood and ashes, get in here, Lan!" Siuan snapped at the Warder. "She won't calm down if you don't join us!"

Carefully, the Malkieri turned the Cairhien woman back toward the Amyrlin, ignoring Moiraine's protesting whimpers. "Well, then distract her until she falls asleep again. You know her since you two have been Novices. Do you really want to tell me you don't know how to handle this hardhead?"

Growling, Siuan embraced the restless woman again, giving her no room to fight her. "Distracting Moiraine isn't an easy task, and you should know it. How many times has she gotten her will over the years because you couldn't talk her out of it?"

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