Chapter 27 - I want to feel everything

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Lan wants to be sure he still knows his Aes Sedai after having their bond masked for such a long time.

Warning! This is a smut chapter! If you don't like to read about Moiraine and Lan getting intimate, please skip this chapter.

A cloud of love surrounded Moiraine when she awoke. Lan's arm was still wrapped around her, keeping her personal safety bubble upright, and the warmth of his body warmed her back. His overwhelming love for her bubbled through the bond, making her reach out for him – she wanted to soak up even the tiniest bubble.

Gratitude for this incredible man flowed back to him, and his grip on her tightened. Suddenly, she felt a movement in her hair. Lan had buried his nose in her hair while his hot breath tickled her neck. He was clearly awake!

And then she remembered Lan hadn't slept last night and wanted to rest with her. Had he stayed awake again?!

Quickly, she checked on him through the bond. Was he tired? – Exhausted? Were there any signs that he hadn't slept?

"Stop worrying," the Warder whispered against her skin. "This time, I did rest my eyes."

"Did you rest your eyes or sleep?"

Instead of an answer, the uncrowned king of Malkier pulled the Cairhien woman closer against him, then left a trail of kisses down her neck.

"Lan." He bit her earlobe tenderly, and she shivered. "Would you please answer my question?" The Aes Sedai's Warder hummed in denial.

In the next moment, his right hand moved over the side of her torso. His fingers moved uncontrollably, and Moiraine shrieked, squirming beside him. "Stop that!" But he didn't. His fingers continued their path, making her even more squirm. "Lan!"

Finally, his fingers moved to her naked legs, and Lan rearranged his position. "What are you trying to do?" Moiraine asked when the man placed kisses down her leg. No answer. Slowly, he moved closer to her feet. "I will kick you if you tickle my feet," she said in her most threatening voice.

The uncrowned king of Malkier stopped at her ankle. His eyes moved to her face, searching for how serious she was. Apparently, the woman of the Blue Ajah had been convincing because the man didn't touch her feet.

Gently, he helped her to roll on her back, then he kissed his way back up. Moiraine watched him with a raised eyebrow. "Could you please talk to me? Or don't I deserve an answer anymore?"

Lan pushed the hem of her underdress up since it blocked his access to her upper skin. The Aes Sedai cursed and tried to free the fabric from his grip to cover herself, but Lan was strong.

Suddenly, the Malkieri's head disappeared under the fabric. His kisses moved from her leg to her belly.

"Lan! What are you doing?!"

"Testing the bond if I can feel everything again."

Confused, Moiraine furrowed her forehead. He did what?! "You test the bond under my underdress?"

"The feeling of skin on skin is way more intense than skin on fabric." And because Lan needed to prove his point, his hands moved to the sides of her torso and tickled her.

Moiraine shrieked and squirmed, trying to escape his devilish fingers while pushing his head down to get him off her. Of course, it didn't work. She had never been able to move Lan if he didn't want to move.

His attack stopped, leaving her breathing heavily. At this moment, he used the opportunity and pushed her underdress further up to her waist, though his head stayed under the fabric.

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