Chapter 17

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"Arvid?" Madeline called out, searching throughout the woods. "Arvid, where are you?" She looked high and low for Arvid, but he was nowhere to be seen. Where could he be? She thought, worried. "Arvid!!" She yelled out. "Please don't shut me out! I know you are around here!" She suddenly ran into a squirrel. "Regi?" She said. "What are you doing all the way out here?"

"You know my twin brother?" The squirrel asked.

"You're Regi's twin?" Madeline said. "Nevermind. Have you seen a human in the woods by any chance?"

"Sure, I have seen a lot of humans in these woods." The squirrel said. "Men, women, you name it, kiddo."

"No, I meant a human that stormed away angrily." Madeline said.

"Oh, he went to that cave over there." The squirrel said, pointing at a nearby cave. "By the way, the name is Reggoton. But, you can call me Rego."

"Pleasure to meet you, Rego." Madeline said, shaking Rego's hand. "We gotta get together sometime, but I need to get to Arvid." She dashed into the cave with Rego waving and leaving. She saw Arvid sitting on the ground with his head down.

"Arvid." Madeline said in relief. "Thank goodness I found you. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." Arvid sighed, looking at Madeline. "Sorry for yelling at you and calling you stupid... I didn't mean that..."

"It's okay, Arvid..." Madeline said. "I understand how hurt you are from losing your family."

"It really hurts like hell..." Arvid sighed sadly. "I miss my family.... They were the only people that truly cared about me... And I cared about them back... I wish I could see them again..."

"You will one day, Arvid." Madeline assured. "They are in heaven now and you will get a chance to see them again.."

"But, I won't go to heaven, Madeline." Arvid cried. "I don't have faith in God like I used to."

"When we ask Jesus into our hearts," Madeline said, "he never leaves." Arvid stared at her.

"You're a wolf..." He sighed. "How can a wolf so much about God?"

"How can I not?" Madeline asked politely.

"I suppose that is true..." Arvid said. Madeline smiled. Arvid didn't smile back.

"We should really get going." Madeline said. "The next town should give us more directions on how to get to the mountains."

"I thought you knew where the mountains were, Madeline..." Arvid said.

"I meant the safest directions to the mountains." Madeline said. "I still know where they are. Besides, we need to rest for a little bit."

"Right..." Arvid said, getting up. "Let's go then."


Williams III and Father Wolf, led by the patriots' commander, walked through the woods followed by their groups.

"They should be going this direction, sir." The commander said. "We must be getting closer to their whereabouts."

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