Judging criteria for novels

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For the judges, this is perhaps the most challenging aspect of the review process. Whether you are new to the process or a seasoned judge, I will provide some guidelines.

Title and Book Cover (max. 10 points)

Does the title catch your attention and stand out? Is it memorable?

What aspects do you appreciate about the book cover? Does it accurately represent the story? Is it too much?

Blurb (max. 10 points)

Does the blurb capture your interest and make you want to read the story?

Did the author pay attention to grammar and punctuation in the blurb? Was there an appropriate amount of information given or too much/too little?

Plot (max. 5 points)

Is the plot engaging and well-developed? Are there any inconsistencies or plot holes? Are there intriguing subplots worth noting?

Creativity and Originality (max. 20 points)

How well was the world-building executed? Could you easily envision yourself in the world created by the author?

Is the story unique and original or does it follow familiar tropes? Does it bring something fresh to the table or is it a retelling?

Did the author create a completely new world or incorporate elements from other stories/games/movies/shows?

Character Development (max. 20 points)

How relatable were the characters? Were you able to empathize with them?

Did they leave a positive or negative impression on you? Did they face real struggles and exhibit genuine emotions?

Did they overcome their weaknesses or succumb to their flaws? What stood out, positively or negatively, about each character?

Story Flow (max. 5 points)

Does the pacing of the story feel appropriate and consistent throughout?

Research and Attention to Detail (max. 15 points)

How thorough was the author's research for the story? Were there areas that could have benefited from more detail?

Did any details seem overlooked or out of place? Did the lack of research impact your reading experience?

Grammar and Punctuation (max. 10 points)

Did the author use proper grammar and punctuation throughout the book? Are the paragraphs a suitable length? Are sentences properly structured?

Overall Impression (max. 5 points)

Did you enjoy the story? Would you recommend it to others? Does it have the quality one would expect from a bookstore? Did the book capture your attention from beginning to end?

Overall points /100

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