WINNERS - Poetry

50 8 4

🥇 1st place winner 🥇

Writings of a Raven: Poems of Madness by Angelic_Maddness

Imagery and figurative language 10/10

Language and diction 10/10

Emotional impact 10/10

Structure and form 10/10

Sound and rhythm 10/10

Theme and message 10/10

Originality and creativity 10/10

Voice and perspective 10/10

Unity and cohesion 10/10

Impact and memorability 10/10

Overall 100/100

I liked all of the poems that I read and I think they really are top quality. Considering that I have no words, but praise, I decided to give you a review of one of your poems that I liked the most.

So, there is a review of the poem called Eight Disrespect.

The thing that caught my attention most was that this poem shows us the internal struggles of self-worth, battling against the pressures and negativity that surround every single one of us.

Most people go through the emotional turmoil of self-hatred and the struggle to rise above it and I think that the repetition of "medicate to alleviate/self-hate" creates a powerful rhythm. Moreover, I think this highlights the central theme even more.

I like that the author showed us how toxic self-deprecation is to people who go through such hard times. I appreciated how the path to self-acceptance is portrayed here. Yes, it's a long and challenging journey, but it's a worthwhile endeavor.

The language used is raw as it can be and it fits perfectly with the theme. A milder tone wouldn't have been a great choice. The harsh tone the author used is reflective of the raw emotions associated with self-hatred and societal pressures.

When talking about the rhythm, it was consistent throughout the entire poem.

When talking about the rhythm, it was consistent throughout the entire poem

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🥈 2nd place winner 🥈

My Poetry Collection by MDjarin17

Imagery and figurative language 10/10

Language and diction 10/10

Emotional impact 9/10

Structure and form 10/10

Sound and rhythm 10/10

Theme and message 10/10

Originality and creativity 10/10

Voice and perspective 10/10

Unity and cohesion 10/10

Impact and memorability 10/10

Overall 99/100

These poems were very good as well, and I am glad I had the opportunity to read them. I have lots of praise, and the only reason why this book placed second is because the first book had a more harsh tone, which was suitable for the poems that author wrote.

I want to highlight that this means in no way that this book is not as good.

Since I only have positive things to say about this book, I will choose a poem and write a brief review. I had a difficult time deciding, but in the end, I chose the poem Pink, because it appears that we need a little more hope these days.

This poem, as the title suggests, celebrates the color pink. This color is commonly associated with joy, beauty, and love, which is one of the few reasons I adore it as well.

The author's use of imagery, such as the pink sky and blooming roses, was particularly appealing to me. Using such imagery allows the reader to have a more vivid imagination. The use of nature as a backdrop adds to the poem's theme of happiness and bliss.

The rhyming scheme runs smoothly throughout the poem, creating a pleasant rhythm that adds to its appeal.

The rhyming scheme runs smoothly throughout the poem, creating a pleasant rhythm that adds to its appeal

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🥉 3rd place winner 🥉

Thousands Shades of You by TaeTaeGinger

Imagery and figurative language 10/10

Language and diction 10/10

Emotional impact 10/10

Structure and form 9/10

Sound and rhythm 10/10

Theme and message 10/10

Originality and creativity 10/10

Voice and perspective 10/10

Unity and cohesion 10/10

Impact and memorability 9/10

Overall 98/100

Very good poems, and I enjoyed all of them. The only reason I gave this mark is that some of the poems are a little too long. I know there are longer poems, but most people nowadays do not have that kind of attention span. However, this does not imply that the book was bad; it is simply a preference.

As with the previous books, I chose a poem that I particularly enjoyed to review, which is titled Turn Me On.

I like this poem because it is full of passion and desire, and the author was able to capture the intensity of longing. It contains vivid and sensual images, and the repetition of the phrase "turn me on" heightens the sense of desire and longing. Simply put, it emphasizes the poem's main theme.

Many of the author's comparisons add depth to the poem, such as the one between a touch and a flame, or between the lips and a river. Needless to say, these comparisons elicit physical desires.

The poem's pace was also good, and I appreciated how the author built momentum.

The poem's pace was also good, and I appreciated how the author built momentum

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