Mini-Awards - Criteria for judging

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As mentioned in the preceding chapter, this section will focus on the criteria for judging. Herein, you will discover the criteria for each category.

Best Title

1. Relevance to the story (10 points)

How closely does the title relate to the narrative?

2. Originality (10 points)

How unique is the title compared to others?

3. Standout factor (10 points)

Does the title distinguish itself from others in the same genre?

4. Appeal (10 points)

Does the title pique curiosity and entice readers?

5. Intrigue (10 points)

Would I be compelled to pick up the book based solely on its title?

Overall: 50 points

Best Cover

1. Readability (10 points)

Can the title of the book be easily read?

2. Clarity of image (10 points)

Is the image on the cover clear and easily discernible?

3. Relevance to the title (10 points)

Does the image relate to the title of the book?

4. Level of detail (10 points)

Does the cover contain an appropriate amount of detail-neither too many nor too few?

5. Alignment with blurb (10 points)

Does the cover relate to the content described in the blurb?

Overall: 50 points

Best Blurb

1. Plot clarity (10 points)

Can the entire plot be easily inferred from the blurb?

2. Intrigue (10 points)

Does the blurb captivate me and leave me wanting to discover more?

3. Grammar and punctuation (10 points)

Are there any grammatical or punctuation errors in the blurb?

4. Persuasiveness (10 points)

If I were to read only the blurb, would it persuade me to read the entire book?

Overall: 40 points

Best Aesthetics/Graphics

1. Engagement (10 points)

Do the images compel me to want to read the book?

2. Suitability (10 points)

Are the images appropriate and fitting for the book's content?

3. Alignment with blurb (10 points)

Do the graphics align with the themes or events described in the blurb?

4. Character portrayal (10 points)

Do the images depict the lives and personalities of the characters effectively?

5. Vibe of the story (10 points)

Do the graphics capture the essence or atmosphere of the story, conveying its mood or tone?

Overall: 50 points

Best Prologue

1. Engagement (10 points)

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