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As the month of February creeps in, the alluring holiday of Valentine's Day draws near. And what better way to celebrate than with a thrilling book contest?
This competition is open to all lovers of romance, whether...
I liked both the title and the book cover. Both elements provide an excellent representation of the story. The cover is simple but effective, and I like the colors. The title was simple to read, and the color and font were both appealing. I appreciated that the text size was not too large or too small. It was perfect and did not overshadow any of the elements. Plus, the title was explained throughout the story; it was not necessary, but it worked perfectly.
The blurb is a reasonable length and provides just enough information. You learn the main plot, but not every detail, which makes it perfect in my books. I appreciated that the author brought up the pregnancy theme because not many people enjoy this detail in a book.
The plot was not particularly complex, but that did not mean it was not enjoyable. We sometimes need simpler books to let go of our real-life problems. There were no plot gaps. For the most part, the flow was perfect, but there were a few times when I thought things were moving too quickly, such as the first time they slept together. Aside from that, everything flowed smoothly.
Moving on to the characters, I liked them all (except Ben, who can go to hell), and I believe they all developed over the first ten chapters that I read.
I think Isa has had the most character development. Even though she is a little hot headed, I believe it is normal for her to be so after such a horrible marriage.
The author paid attention to details, such as the scene in which Isa steps on a sea urchin. She went to the doctor and had the necessary tests done.
There were no issues with grammar or punctuation. Everything was flawless, and the flow was excellent. As someone who does not speak English as a first language, I can say that the book is accessible to all readers.
Overall, I think it is an excellent book. This book was a lot of fun for me to read. It is a light read, and the summery vibe made me happy. It is the type of book you would read on a vacation or at the beach.
I am not sure why, but it reminded me of the late 1980s and early 1990s, most likely due to the palm trees.
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