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"Promise, to never leave, me, y/n," he mumbled between kisses, trying to catch my breath after each kiss he pulled away from, but as soon as he would pull away he's already leaning back in for another. It was as if he was a starving man and I his only source of energy to keep him going.

"Ani I-"

"Mhm," he hummed softly, he was about to steal my breath away once again, his lips grazed mine as his gaze was fixed on mine.

I rested my head against his and shut my eyes once more, I was trying to catch my breath, I opened my eyes once more looking directly into his own hungry eyes.

"I love you" I whispered softly. His lips lifted upwards, leaning in again, our lips connect together with passion and lust, he moves his hands from my waist, exploring each curve slowly as if I were a foreign object, to be looked after, deepening our embrace.

His hands were gentle and filling me with warmth as they trailed my body, studying carefully.

With him, it is like a breath of fresh air, he never fails to impress me with his movements and always in his presence, has he ever been so good to me.

Still I can not help but feel scared.

Trying to conceal my emotions for the past few weeks has been harder than I thought it would be, thankfully, Anakin has been away on a mission with his Master, Obi Wan Kenobi, beyond the stars while I was here back at the Temple, awaiting for Anakin's return.

Unknowingly to me, my barriers were weaker by his presence, sensing a shift of my hidden emotions through the force, he pulls away from me, a frown replacing his uplifting smile.

His gentle fingers comb through my hair as he looks down upon me.

"You're hiding something from me."

My smile has now faded, my eyes drifted away from his to the tiled floors, I can't look at him and lie to his face without giving in and telling the truth, I don't know what he'll do.

"I'm just worried, it's that,  I was scared that one day, you won't come back to me," I whispered.

I heard him let out a breath before he removed his hands from my now tangled hair.

"I know that is not what is bothering you, you're lying to me, just please tell me what's going on, is someone bothering you?" his voice becoming stern.

I looked up at him quickly shaking my head as his eyes slightly narrowed at me.

"Look, can we just drop this Anakin, there's eyes and ears everywhere, we can continue with this conversation later."

Anakin's gaze travelled around the long distant hallway, we were hidden behind a blank canvas of a pillar, towering over us. Nobody could see us since it casted a shadow over us, blending into the darkness with Anakin's cloak enveloping my view.

His presence was comforting yet at times like these, it became overpowering.

His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as if he was searching for something or someone,  I awaited his response but he didn't answer.

"Anakin did you even hear what I just-"

"Do you trust me?" Abruptly he cut me off, seemingly unaware of my previous attempts of speaking. His attention was focused onto me, he took a step closer to me, we weren't touching in any way but he was close enough for me to hear his uneven breathing.

"Of course-" I squealed in surprise as he suddenly pulled me into his grasp with my head buried in the crook of his neck, his giant hand resting on my neck, the other caressing my hair in what would feel like a soothing matter.

"Ani what are you-"

"Everything is going to be okay, if you ever need someone to talk too, my door is always open." He spoke with sincerity, sounding really realistic, knowing his quick change of attitude was because there were people watching.

Not saying a word or moving an inch, I suddenly hear a faint noise coming from behind me of excessively loud chattering, fading like the sunset, and the noise quietness and the silence creeps in.

His breath was now fanning my neck, feeling his long ticklish sun like curls, brushing the side of my face softly.

"There's more to come, and I'm not done with this conversation as of now, you've been keeping something from me for a while now and I've been patient, come on."

He quickly grasped my arm, whisking me away from the soon to be bustling corridor and into a small room, which felt very compacted with two people, it might as well swallow me whole rather than face what's to happen.

The door clicked closed, there was little light shining through, harder to know what's around me, but the light reflect off of Anakin,   adding a glow to him.

"Ok, you know you just kidnapped me-"

"What is this about y/n."

"Can you just let it go-"

"Not when you've been lying to me for weeks."

"I just-"

"Is this because of Obi Wan?"


"You've been secretly meeting up with him haven't you."


"Yesterday morning, when I left to meet up with the Chancellor, he visited didn't he?"

"Yes but-"

"So it's true than?"

"No Anakin, listen to me. I have been worried about you lately, you have been really distant and seem to be getting closer to the Chancellor."

"The Chancellors a good man, he's like a father to me." He expressed defensively.

"Anakin, Obi Wan came over yesterday this morning because he is also worried, for you and your close connection with the Chancellor." I paused thinking carefully over my next words. "Over past while we've discovered something huge, we were scared about how you were going to react."

I took a few moments to contemplate whenever I should really tell Anakin the truth, since I don't know how he will take the news, judging over the course of the past few weeks he might act irrationally.

Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."


𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now