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"A Jedi Knight you are, y/n, proud you should be." I stood up from my kneeling position, I had a soft grasp on my padawan braid that for too long, I have longed to get rid of that inconvenience that lived beside me near my whole life.

I sound dramatic, I know, but that strand of hair was holding me back from my true potential, I've waited for this moment ever since I was a youngling, as the younglings my age began their journeys as to become a  Jedi, moving forward and with that casting a shadow over me as if I were cease to exist.

I bowed down in courtesy and gratitude to the council members, proud eyes peered at me with small smiles, some nodding in acknowledgment of my success, Master Yoda stood back with his cane in hand, thank force I never got backhanded with his cane once.

My former master wasn't in sight, he was on an urgent mission, I didn't read into the details, or listen, I'm sure I spaced out because beforehand he was lecturing me about one of my latest stunts on a mission in 

I bid farewell to the council, expressing my sincere appreciation for my new position. Reflecting on my experiences as a youngling to a padwan, i felt so grateful for my mentors and colleagues who have stood by me through my years of struggle and in times of doubt, I would not be who I am now today without their support. If I ever felt unsure or conflicted, I would always talk to Master Plo or meditate with Master Yoda.

Thinking about my accomplishments, I decided that I wouldn't go straight to my room and instead make a beeline to one of my best friends.

With a swing in my step, I pretty sure I was beaming but tried to have a straight face, I arrived at the sliding door, knocking lightly.

I didn't hear anything for a minute, I looked down both lengths of the hall to checking for peering eyes, if you were to be seen in another Jedi's room it is practically forbidden, most Jedi ignore this rule or dismiss it for it is not one of the most strictly enforced rules of a Jedi. I find that having these rules set in place are ridiculous, we're not suppose to feel, nor should we love, we are still human and these rules were set in place years and years ago.

"Oh force Ashoka, you scared the shit outta me!" I turned around to be face to face with one my closest allies, oh who am I kidding, my best friend since we both practically live next door to one another when we became Padawans together.

"Y/n, I've been looking for you everywhere, I got a message from your comlink you left at my place, Master Kenobi beeped in, he's coming back from his mission this evening with my Master." 

I didn't even notice my comlink was missing all day, last night me and Ashoka were painting each others nails, she didn't tell me where she even got it, she just told me "do you trust me?" like as if it were life or death we were dealing with.

Ahsoka and I did everything together, and I mean it, we train together, go on missions, talk about the most recent top tier gossip that we hear or see, she taught me about many things I didn't know, I also assisted her with her problems. We're practically inseparable, and most people know it around the temple if they were to face the wrath of our chaos.

"Well Ahsoka, for once in your life you seem to be on top of things." She pushed me lightly as of telling me to "shut up", I saw her turn her head slightly, concealing a hidden grin, she knows it's true though, she is as reckless as her master.

"Y/n, let's be realistic here, I make sure that you live your life to the fullest, and besides that I mean don't I just always brighten up your day with my enthusiasm?" She smirked at me, I swear she is starting to even speak the same language as him.

"Have I ever told you that you and Master Skywalker act the same?" I decided to speak my mind, she just looked at me horrified, she put a hand on her chest and to add to the dramatics, gasped. "I would like to let you know in fact I am much more fun to be around than him, also better looking, I mean come on Y/n you also act like Master Kenobi."

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now