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"Love where are you!?" I hear the sound of my lovers voice flow through my ears, my breathing heaves in exhaustion and fear, as his footsteps near to the living room where I'm hidden away, behind the huge curtains that drape over my figure.

His footsteps echo, I hear him as he steps into the living room, his footsteps falling closer and closer, I held my breath, I was in agony for what I have learnt that he is not what I thought he was, the sweet, gentle, caring, loving man that I have fallen for, his facade, now I've found out his true identity.

He has killed, many, so many people, men that I've been with, women that have been well acquainted with from work, and our neighbours- who's been not very nice spoken to us since they moved right next door to us, Anakin and I semi-live together, he has his own place, way bigger than mine yet he chooses to spend most of his days here with me. I've never been more grateful for it, until now.

Nothing could be heard but his, irregular breathing, he wasn't moving anymore, he stood still. Did he know that I was here? Was he going to kill me? Was his love a lie? Was it just a plot to come and kill me? Questions circulated my mind like an insane repetitive cycle. All I knew was that I had to get out, fast.

My paranoid mind was interrupted by his sudden cry out for me "Y/n! Please come back!" His voice wavered as I heard a sudden thud on the floor beneath him, tempted to see if he alright, I still care for him, but now I feel so conflicted, scared, frightened and I feel like I'm about to get sick.

It was silent for a few minutes, his breathing had gone quiet.


The sudden shout so close made me jump out of my skin slightly, I slapped myself internally for being so stupid. His footsteps faded into our joined in kitchen, until I could no longer hear him at all.

I poked my head out, checking to see if I could quickly make it to the front door, so with steady breaths and self talk of encouragement, I silently walked out of the living room, keeping a lookout as I do so.

The air felt eerily, it was suspiciously quiet, I told myself that it was just my hyper vigilant attitude towards this situation. Arriving at the front door, I tried to pull on the door only to find the door won't open, something won't let me continue to open it. oh no. no no no, I got to move fast.

Quietly I reversed my footsteps back into the dimly lit room where I hid and instead continued my journey to the kitchen where the back door was, I silently opened one of the drawers, pulling out a sharp blade as my weapon, my sweaty hand held it firmly.

I scan the darkening area as the sun fades away in the distance out the glass window, I have no idea where Anakin went, I don't know if he's still here or if he's left, he could be around the corner for all I know.

Twisting the knob on the back door, it didn't seem to budge, I yanked my hand my way in frustration, he must I've locked everything in the house, my gaze landed on the windows that the keys were missing from. I cursed myself silently.

Stepping back I tripped on the tile below me, the metal object flew out of my hand and landed harshly onto the floor with a clang, I snatched it up fast and ducked behind the marble counters, my hands now trembling and feeling weak, a small gash cut open as the the knife slid out of my hand before.

I don't put up well in these situations, if I was to be a character in a horror movie, I would be the first victim in the opening scene, tripping myself, not using my head and be the first one to die.

"Y/N?!" I physically gulped, he's still here, and I'm gonna be on the nine o clock news channel- I'm never going to see my parents again, nor the daylight- I never even got a chance to travel or leave my stupid job or punched that asshole at work-

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now