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I stood in the corner of the room, sipping on a non-alcoholic beverage, watching as people socialised with each other, dining on the food my father provided or drinking and laughing and all I wanted to do was escape.

My family is one of the most well known in town, we're known for our wealth as well as our kind hearts, my father wanted to host a party in honour of the towns people, or should I say my fathers pride as he loves the attention and praise as to one day he plans to rule. He puts up a facade, thinking our family's perfect and we never any problems of our own, my older brother follows in his footsteps, leaving me in the shadows or as my fathers hopes "to be married off to a wealthy man as my wife has," and he has the audacity to laugh after.

It breaks my heart that I'll soon be in the same position as my mother, such a kind hearted woman who's done nothing but look out for me and taught me everything my father couldn't, I wish that my brother was understanding, maybe he once was, but he seems to be brainwashed into thinking the same as father to one day return to the ways of a "male dominated society."

I always dreamed to run away and never once look back but I just couldn't, because as soon as the thought entered my mind it vanished, I'd feel guilty to ever think to leave my mother. So here I am, with no hope of ever having a life I chose to have and instead marry off and always be the child my father never wished to have.

I sighed as I finished my drink and left it on a nearby table, I don't wish to return to endlessly listening to constant chatter in my ears as I don't take it in at all, most of the people here are higher class citizens or they are trying to flirt with my father, he didn't seem to mind which only angered me so I looked away, my mother left awhile ago to get a breath of fresh air away from him, I tried to find her but I couldn't see her outside.

My brother was tending to the guests at the front door, welcoming in with a charming smile that I knew was forced, he always effortlessly impressed father, with even by simply making the fire or sweeping the floors, father would praise him and then turn to me and tell me "you should be more like your brother." If I ever tried to do something he would just tell me to do more or that it wasn't enough or I missed a spot. I want to leave, I need to.

"Would you like a drink?" I heard a deep voice speak up from beside me, I turned to meet his gaze and I couldn't help but think he was really handsome, his kind smile greeted me and he held two drinks, his hair was effortless flawless as of all his features I didn't want to gawk so I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat. "I'm alright thank you." His smile didn't flatter like I thought it would as he lifted one of the drinks up to his lips with a slight smirk.

"More for me." He wiggled his eyebrows which I couldn't help but laugh at his silly gesture, he smiled back at me as I turned back to face the room in front of me, watching as my father made a toast.

"I would like to thank you all of you, fine people for coming to this very special event," his words slurred as he spoke, "and I would like to say that I love your support, my friends and my family, oh yes my family-" the room was quiet as people smiled up at him, I couldn't help but sneer at his act, his pathetic self, the only reason he gets all this is because he has money and nothing more. That is what ties everything together for him.

I zoned out as he continued to speak, I wasn't bothered with his speech as well as anything he does, I don't even want to be here, I want to go, but I can't and what's worst, nobody knows that we're suffering, mother and I.

"Seems the old man is getting too much drink on him." I heard the same voice beside me, I completely forgot he was there, in fact I thought he would of walked away after I declined to have a drink with him.

Well it's not the only time he gets carried away, I thought internally, father is now swaying in his spot and my mother has gone up to help him. I don't know why she bothers, he's done nothing but treat her like shit, and I can't even do anything about it. I hate not being able to help I feel so useless and helpless. I want to leave.

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now