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"Anakin what has gotten into you!?" Obi Wan shouted through the loud thunderous noise of huge boulders falling down into the pit of hot lava which surrounded most of the planet, my vision was blurred but still I could make out what was happening around me.

Obi-wan stood facing my way as his lightsaber was withdrawn in defence as Anakin kept swiping his aggressively at his former master, Obi-wan barely dodging his attacks slowly backing away. I heard the sound of their lightsabers clashing together, from what I could tell from my position, Anakin seemed to be overpowering Obi-wan.

"YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Anakin yelled as Obi-wan quickly pulled away his lightsaber and jumped to the side but Anakin kept up with his speed and was still able to defend himself effortlessly. Obi-wan grunted as I saw that Anakin grazed his lightsaber close enough to burn Obi-wan's flesh off.

I was unable to move, I was stunned to where I was on the ground, I felt weak and useless. I tried to speak out but my voice was hoarse, my throat was dried up and I couldn't be heard over the chaos that was commencing right before me. My memory was a blur and I couldn't recall how I ended up here, unmoving on the floor on an unknown planet I've never been too. The last thing that I remembered was walking into Obi-wan, I was on my way to meet Anakin back at our apartment but it turns out I never made it back.

"Anakin, we can talk about this." Obi-wan tried to get through to him but Anakin seemed to not listen to him and continued to advance towards him as Obi-wan tried to pick himself up from the ground he fell down on.

"You were trying to steal her from me." Obi-wan leaped back into action as Anakin lifted his lightsaber down, Obi-wan rolled to the side and used the force to jump over and behind him, "Anakin please I don't want to hurt you."

"When I was talking to the Chancellor you were off making moves on my wife." Anakin ignored him and used the force to push Obi-wan against the wall as his lightsaber flew to the side. "Ahsoka told me you were visiting her in the medical wing while she was unconscious." Anakin stormed towards him, my stomach churned in unease as I listened to what he said next. "I knew you were watching her fucking sleeping with hidden cameras in our room when I left on that mission with Ahsoka."

"Anakin, that wasn't me." Obi-wan protested, I felt like I was going to be sick, my head already throbbed in pain as of my body, it was already hard to breathe on this planet as half the air was filled with ash in the atmosphere. "Anakin you have to listen to me."

"I think I've heard enough from you in my life time." Obi-wan pleaded for him to listen but was cut off, literally.

His head rolled off as Anakin cleanly cut his head off, tears rolled down my face as sweat beamed at my forehead, I felt a wave of nausea come over me as I continued to stare at the scene and crime that was performed.

I blinked a few times as my eyelids began to feel heavy as the weight of the world was on them, but were snapped open for Anakin had turned to face me, his deep blue eyes were now a burning amber staring back at me, but they faltered as if a switch was triggered and ran over to me.

"Baby it's ok now you're safe, you can go to sleep now." My eyes fluttered shut as I felt a cold sensation on the side of my head as I just gazed at his amber eyes that never left mine a single second. I felt my body being lifted into his arms as I leaned my head on the side of his chest, I didn't want to think right now, I was too tired to. He just looked right back at me, his angelic face was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed and every sound faded around me until I was in a state of unconsciousness.


𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now