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3rd person pov

"These floors are absolutely filthy, you can barely see the tile patterns, it's disgraceful, clean them up, I don't see why you are just standing there is going to do anything." The Queen of Zygerria addressed you, also your Master.

You are tired for being so overworked, only getting a precious few hours of sleep when the Queen allows you or does not need you but most of the time she does, yes she has other slaves but for some reason she favours you which makes your life more of a living hell. Trying to constantly be up to her standards, if you were not assisting her, you were cleaning every inch and spec of her room, if you were caught doing nothing, you would be immediately sent to be working, so my days consist of waking up, work the whole day and get a small portion of food if you were lucky and sleep.

Getting a cloth of sorts you began to scrub the floor, the Queen sat on her couch, looking out at the window with a glass of hopefully poison, sipping her drink and glanced every now and then to see if the work you were doing was pleasing her, how to know? Well if she's not pestering you, you are on the right track.

The only thing that keeps you sane everyday is the thought of killing her one day, the thought of her being the one tortured and you with the upper hand, watching her life slipping out of her body with your control. The thought of escaping is like heaven, but as soon as you think about any of these thoughts they quickly disappear and fear replaces it. She has the control, she could kill you any second with this collar around your neck, like a leash. It is why it is better to keep her happy so that you are not on the harsh end of her wrath.

There was a knock on the door, the Queen called them to come in, you didn't look up as you continued to scrub the floor harder than before, a guard comes in addressing news, the one good thing about working so close to the Queen is that hearing something from outside the walls which I've never seen out of, besides the gardens. Talking about the outside world always fascinated me, I loved to hear stories of adventures as a child.

"There is a man outside, he wants to meet you." The guard spoke with a monotone voice as the others, the Queen didn't even bother to look at him as she spoke, still gazing elsewhere with her glass between her fingers. "Well I do not accept invitations last minute, please escort this person elsewhere."

"Miss, he is a slaver who would like to present a gift to you, he also speaks very high of you, his name is Lars Quell."

"Mhm, interesting." This piece of information must have caught her attention now as she now put down her glass and stood up from her seat. "Very well, send them in, I would like to meet this Lars person." She made her way to her closet to change clothing but soon remembered the guards and your presence. "Please leave me." The guard left with a click of the door shut, down towards the chambers. "Get up, you're getting yourself all dirty." She hissed at you, you stood up quickly and muttered a quick "im sorry." "Please greet the guests with me, but please clean that dirt off on your dress before you do so." You calmly stood up to walked away a good enough distance from her and any guards nearby you let out a sigh of relief, you were still frightened and didn't have long until she was ready so you sped off to greet the guests.


The Queen now sat at her throne with you standing next to her, your head hung low, you felt the shock collar dig into your neck but you didn't care, you felt no hope and it would be a pleasure to be killed quick then to have a slow painful death. At night sometimes you wish to just fall asleep, dream of having a normal life far away from here and starting a family possibly, or exploring and experiencing the world for this is the closest I'll get to living a fair life. With that being my thoughts you wouldn't mind dying there in my unconscious state. You would have the life you always wanted and would not have to go another timid day here.

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now