𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. •

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"Babyyyy." I whined as my husband was in the other room, I heard no response back from him as I sat in our king sized bed alone.

He's been working all day, constantly not having a single break as he left for work early this morning to now it is 2am, and he came home at 9pm, he hasn't touched the food I've made him and I began to worry for him, the past few hours I've been waiting for him to join me but to no avail he hasn't left his office. As I tried to call him to bed a few hours ago and the only answer I got was "shorty, I just have to finish something," or "Go to sleep my love, I'll only be a moment."

It's been more than a moment.

He's just been so stressed these past few days hard at work, he hasn't been taking care of himself, I've been there to help but he's persistent on getting this job done and I've just had enough of it now.

Sliding out of the silky sheets, my feet padded lightly as I walked, I hugged myself due to the coldness I felt after leaving the comfort of my bed. I knew that I wouldn't get a wink of sleep and would be up all night worrying about Anakin and his dismissal of his own state of health.

The door was slightly ajar, I didn't knock but instead opened it fully as the door made a creaking noise, I cringed at the sound as my quiet mind was still weary from the lack of sleep but I pushed through.

Anakin didn't seem to notice me as he sat in the main office with his eyes screwed onto the screen in front of him, his chin rested on his hand as he focused on his work, I always found when he was in a state of determination quite attractive. He was still wearing his black tux for work, he looked professional always when wearing it and is my favourite suit he's wearing. His hair was a mess due to his hands running up and down his head from stress and he was hunched over on the desk clearly trying to fight off sleep.

As I came closer to him  I could see the black circles under his eyes. I gently placed my hands on his shoulders, he leaned back into my touch letting out a sigh of relief as I began to massage them as he lay back on his chair.

"Baby come to bed with me." I muttered, I walked around to face him, his tired eyes meeting mine, I held his cheek softly. He didn't say anything for a moment as he continued to gaze at me, slowly I felt his arms pulling me into his embrace my feet lifting off the ground as I now straddled him, he didn't break eye contact with me once while doing so. His gaze never left mine as he ran his veiny hands up and down my back as I placed my petite hands back on his shoulders, squeezing his muscles as he sighed in relief. My hands continued their movement as they trailed down to his chest, trailing down to his stomach as his breath hitched. I felt his toned body through the fabric of his suit.

I began to take off his his suit jacket, he leaned forward so I could properly get it off, leaving him in only a white buttoned up shirt that was slightly see-through, his eyes fluttered shut as his head rested to the side, leaving his neck exposed, my fingers worked to unbutton the top of his shirt, I couldn't help but to stare at his chest as it rose and fell in rhythm to his breathing. Impulsively I latched my lips on to the side of his neck, giving him soft tender kisses, he squirmed at the sudden touch as I heard him groan as his hands latched onto my waist pulling me closer to him as I began to undo his tie.
My lips left his neck, slowly moving down to his chest, my breath fanned his skin as one of his hands moved to the back of my head, urging me to continue so I didn't hesitate to bring my head down to meet his chest.

I felt his chin rest on top of my head, his long locks tickled the side of my face as he kissed the crown of my head. My lips upturned at his caring gesture making my face flush, he never ceases to amaze me with his simple actions.

I think he felt my smile against his body because he pulled me away so I was now looking up at him, his eyes softened as he held my face with his hand holding the side of my face.

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now