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I watched as the clock handle moved by slightly as it struck the next hour, my work for today was done so I was really bored. I had another hour left until I could go home for the day and I didn't want to disturb my boss by seeing if he needs me as he has an important meeting to attend today so I stayed seated at my desk, clicking away at my computer and making sure I had everything done right up to date for my bosses schedule.

I was hired as his personal assistant for this job as I've been working for many other businesses but they never suited me, but now I've been working here for 6 months and I've settled in just right, also my co-workers are friendly.

As I searched through the files I've sent to my boss, I heard someone call out my name from behind me.

"Omg you have got to go with me to this new cafe down town. It looks so cute and it's not overpriced," she rolled her eyes as she pulled up a seat to sit beside me "And there's this really hot guy that I heard he has got a job down there so it's a need to go here." She finished as she placed a fresh cup of coffee down at my desk.

She smiled at me, a smile I known all too well that says 'you don't have an option you must go with me.' I rolled my eyes playfully at her and smiled. "Of course I'll go with you."

Her face lit up as she hugged my side excitedly. "I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too Ahsoka." I smiled at my friend's enthusiasm as she sat back down on her seat and grinned to herself. "Hey does your brother know you're going?"

"No." She rolled her eyes and shook her head in annoyance. "Last time I was looking at this guy who was playing volleyball on the beach and I was with Anakin, he saw that I was and I quote "gawking," she finger quoted, "he almost dragged me by the hair off the beach and back home if I didn't stop."

Her frown was evident on her face as she recalled the memory, but became distracted."I should really redo my nails." She muttered while she scratched off the remaining bits of nail polish off her nail.

I laughed quietly at her sudden switch of topic. "He just cares about you, he's probably just looking out for you and wants only the best for you." She scoffed at this but eased up a little. "Well we may never know since he keeps driving away every guy who so much as breaths the same air as me."

I felt pity for her as I would hate to have someone from restricting me of who and who not I should be with. I had that experience with my ex before as I was so deeply in love with him, he took that as his advantage and used my vulnerability as a toy, as well as controlling my day to day life. I'm just thankful that I'd broken up with him and realised how much of a jerk he is. Although another side of my thoughts understands how Anakin was just being a worried overprotective brother, who is only trying to prevent Ahsoka from the harshness of this world and not be torn down by anyone.

"Oh speaking of my dear brother, he asked for you to go to his office before leaving at the end of the day." At the mention of meeting with him my stomach fluttered with nerves and tried to contain the blush that crept onto my face. "Oh really what for?" I thought he had a meeting for the rest of the day and it was important and not to be disturbed which he made it very clear to various staff who worked here. Most of the staff here feel intimidated by him, including myself, he was closed off, only asked for something bluntly and very cold and dismissive of clients he works with, especially those who got on his bad side. I'm not calling him some cruel man, but if you overstep your stay with him, he wouldn't hesitate to make your life a living hell.

"No idea," she shrugged and picked up the cup of coffee she placed down on my desk "Oh and while you're going up there, can you give him this, I would of but he's really getting on my last nerve and please tell him to brighten up." She stood up with me as she walked with me to the elevator. "Is he not in a meeting?"

𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now