Part 1

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You were a normal rich girl , you were luckily not a spoiled brat.
Your parents owned many big companies around the country, you were from one of the most richest families in the country but there was one family that you all hated.
Nishimuras , your rivals , both of the families did anything that could make them more richer and better than the other but at the end it never ended.
[ present]
You woke up and got ready for Highschool as usual.
You did your skincare but didn't do your makeup since you often go bare face and lastly you wore your outfit of the day.
Skipping the breakfast you drove away to your school.
It was the last year of your high school.
The moment you stepped out of your black car you were surrounded by many students gathered to see who was this rich person that just came to school with an Bugatti.
Everyone gasped at your presence , their reaction was like they had never seen a pretty person like you before when you literally been to this school for years.
You ignored all the gossips and headed to the entrance of the school as everyone made way for you, rich life was pretty fun but sometimes it was annoying how people would stare and gossip about you.
They had literally no better things to do then gossip around.
Lucky for you , you could quickly get away from the crowd when another rich looking car arrived infront of the school gate just like you did and all the gaze of  the crowd turned towards it.
You took advantage of those stares being somewhere else other than you and quickly went inside the school hallways where your locker was.
You took out some of your books you will be needing for the day and went to your classroom early to avoid any more gossips in the hallways aswell.
There were like 7 more minutes before school started so you just layed down your head on your bench and stared outside the window.
Soon everyone started coming inside the classroom and eventually the teacher did aswell as the class begun.
You were 5 minutes in the course when the door to your classroom flung open and a tall boy entered.
"You are late once again Mr.Nishimura !" The teacher scolded him for being scolded , yes he was your rival.
He rolled his eyes and went to the empty seat , unlucky for you , the only empty seat left was behind yours.
You prayed he wouldn't annoy you through out the whole lesson but of course why wouldn't he ? He was literally your enemy.
He pulled your hair from behind but when you looked at him he just looked somewhere else as if he just didn't pulled your hair.
You rolled your eyes and turned back around only to get a kick on your chair, annoyed by his behaviour you whisper yelled at him.
"Stop the FCK up Nishimura RIK !" You whisper yelled at him glaring , making the teacher turn around to check who was talking in between her courses.
"NOMURA YN ! DETENTION FOR YOU YOUNG LADY" your teacher sternly said.
"But he started it !!" You said pointing at niki who was just minding his own business while you were trying to fight back .
"Stop blaming others Yn unless detention" your teacher warned you before continuing the lesson yet Niki didn't stopped bothering you so you just let him be waiting for him to get caught.
He kicked your chair once again but this time he accidentally hit a bit too hard making some noise.
"DETENTION FOR YOU TO NISHIMURA RIKI" the way your teacher could tell who it was disturbing the class was insane.
Niki rolled his eyes and didn't even reply to the teacher , he really was annoyed but it was his fault after all.

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