Part 28

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Eventually you ate lunch with eunchae while Niki was seated at the other side of the room since his friends were eating there.
After you were finished with your lunch , you decided to go out for a walk with eunchae.
"Shall we go now?" You asked eunchae while grabbing your phone from the table.
"Hmm" she nodded her head smiling like she always did.

Together you and eunchae exited the hotel and wandered to wherever your feet took you.
Inbetween the walks you took a few photos of the view you've seen with your own eyes including the Eiffel Tower itself.
"Wait girly , let's go to the Eiffel Tower" Eunchae suggested to you the moment she spotted the Eiffel tower.
"Oh yeah I had brought the ticket for it like 2 days ago online" you suddenly remembered about the ticket purchase you did in advance a few days ago.
"Is it for today ?" Her question made you take out your phone once again.
"I think... Yup it's in about 20 minutes" You spoke while you were checking the online ticket purchase on the screen of your phone.
"Great, we have a lot of time" Eunchae said smiling happily.

Then you two continued with your walk around the city towards the direction where the Eiffel Tower was located at.
The different buildings and the aura of the country felt so different to you yet it felt lively being in this environment , you loved it.

Soon the 20 minutes passed by faster than you thought and now you were already at the entrance of the Eiffel Tower.
You showed the ticket purchase to the Ticket Validator so that you could finally go up the Eiffel Tower's stairs or the elevator aswell.
"You can go now Madam !" The Ticket Validator kindly said after checking the registration and date of the ticket before he let you two in.
"Do you wanna take the stairs or the elevator?" You questioned.
"Uhmmm the elevator because it indeed is a tall structure" Eunchae answered after her eyes landed on the top of the structure from the inside of it which looked really high.
"Okayyy" you reacted to her answer smiling excited just by the thought of going up the tower with an elevator.
Then you waited in the line for your turn so you could take the elevator.
Surprisingly your turn came up really faster as an attendant guided you and eunchae together in the elevator.
And just like that you were in the elevator that was already going up the tower while giving you the mesmerising view of the city of Paris.
"Omg look at that view , So beautiful~" Eunchae couldn't help but giggle with excitement as she saw the view.
Being the photography lover you were , you took a dead drop gorgeous picture of the view and posted it on your instagram which gained attention immediately.

Soon you both arrived at the second floor of the tower which was already high enough but not on high for you.
Eunchae's eyes widened when she realised how high she was standing at.
"OMO.?SO HIGH , THIS IS SCARY" Her words sounded like she was scared but she wasn't really that scared.
"That's only the second floor eunchae , wait until we reach the top of the tower" You chuckled while saying that sentence.

After a few moments of staring at that view from the second floor of the structure , you decided to head to the top of the structure next.
The more upper the elevator headed the more scared was eunchae getting while you were just chilling there like you were not even 1 cm high.
"AISH chill eunchae-ah you are not gonna die" you joked around saying those words but eunchae was still a bit scared.

The elevator stopped at the top of the tower as another attendant guided you two out the elevator.
The cold and refreshing wind blew past you making your hair fly towards the wind's direction.
"IF I DIE , ITS YOUR FAULT" Eunchae screamed saying that sentence in fear as she hugged your arm thinking she might fall from where she was standing at.
Her words and actions made you laugh.
"YAH ITS NOT FUNNY!! WHAT IF I DIED RIGHT NOW" Eunchae's loud voice made some of the other visitors stare at her but that didn't bother her at all.
"Trust me , you won't die" You chuckled as a gust of wind blew past you giving you the cold shivers but at the same time it felt amazing to feel them.

~ To be continued

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