Part 9

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Previously: "Yah I am not that hurt , I can walk" You said wiggling trying to get back on your feet but he just turned his head towards your face glaring at you which made you stay quiet because of how daring his glare was.
Continuation :
Niki then entered the nurses room with you in his arms but there was no one in the room at the moment so he had no choice but treat your wound by himself.
He treated your bleeding bottom lip and you were staring at him , his ethereal and delightful aura.
"How come I never noticed this charming side of him?" You thought as he finished treating your wound.
Suddenly he gave you a quick peck on the lips and said "that should help your lips" , what he said made you blush instantly and your heart was racing in a inhuman speed , you couldn't describe the kind of butterflies you were feeling.
"He is my enemy... how does he have that effect on me?" You mumbled thinking about it.
Just by thinking about it makes you blush uncontrollably to the point you end up hiding your face in your tiny palms.
"Don't hide that pretty face from me Yn" he said in his deep voice making a shiver go down your spine.
"Shut up.!" You said acting like you weren't just blushing a few seconds ago.
The moment got ruined when someone entered the nurses room , it was a high school couples , the boy had injured his leg and was limping by the help of his girlfriend.
You and Niki left the place to give them some space to treat his injured leg.
"See ya later babe" he said winking at you and headed to his next class leaving you behind with a 10x times faster beating heart than from earlier.
"Did he just call me babe??" You mumbled shocked as your cheeks were slightly pink , then out of nowhere eunchae popped up behind you.
"SOMEONE IS INLOVE I SEE"She said from behind you making you flinch.
"Gosh eunchae when will you stop jumpscaring me" you said.
"Idk but don't change the topic young lady" she said teasing you about Niki and you.
"Naur way , he is my enemy and forever will remain one" you said crossing your arm and lifted your left eyerbrow trying to prove your point but of course eunchae didn't buy it at all.
"Thats what you are saying right now, you haven't listened to your heart yet girl!" Eunchae siad making you scoff.
"Nah I'd rather eat a burned rice than have a crush on him" you said but you yourself didn't had figured it out yet that you were already madly inlove with him.
"Hmm let's see if you will say the same in the future" eunchae said and wore the sunglasses that were ontop of her head acting cool which you loved a lot about her.
"Anyways since I am going to be an aunt soon, why not go clubbing before I really become one and your kids start calling me old" she said make you laugh at what she said.
"Don't worry girl , you will never get old but sure let's go clubbing tonight" you said agreeing with what she wanted to do after school.
"Alright see ya after school 8pm , wear something hot" she told you every detail making you chuckle.
Then you both went to your  separate classes.
~ To be continued

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