Part 31

140 4 1

You stomped your heels away from his room all the way to your room , number 141.
You opened the door passcode with the access card's photo on your phone as you entered the room.
Jake didn't seemed to be anywhere in the room , it wasn't like you cared much about him , he was just a friend and you only cared him as a friend.
You just got changed into a new outfit while humming to a random melody.

Wearing a pair of cargo pants and a black baggy t-shirt with some white sneakers , you left the room holding your phone on the hand.

You took the staircases as you walked down the stairs kinda fast since you found it more fun but you almost tripped on your own shoelace.
"AISH this lace again!" You let out a groan and you were about to tie it when you noticed someone already kneeling down infornt of you to tie your shoelace for you...

"Jake?" You guessed the boy's name based on the hairstyle view from the root of his head.
"Yeah be careful next time , you could've just tripped right now" Jake scolded you in a worried tone.
"Awh why are you so worried about me ?" You chuckled finding his behaviour adorable.
"You are just like my little sister so of course I would be worried" He answered standing up as he finished tying the shoelaces for you.

"Shortie" Before you could even thank him for helping you , he teased you as he continued with the short conversation you were having along with walking downstairs.
"By the way today they are taking us to the 'Musée du Louvre' meuseum" He informed.
"Oh?! Musée du Louvre?? OMO , do you know the Mona Lisa art ???  I AM ALREADY EXCITED TO GO THERE!!" You said with excitement as the realisation hit.
By now you arrived on the ground floor of the building where the buffet areas were located at.
And this time you were there for breakfast.

You headed towards eunchae as usual and turns out she had already brought the food for you aswell.
"Good morning girly!!" You greeted her from the behind as a drop of chocolate fell from the croissant she was eating.
"Aish! You nearly scared the life out of me!" Eunchae spoke after taking a deep breath , you laughed quietly in response leading her to lightly hit your shoulder.
"Okay okay , I am sorry for doing that" You apologised with a evil smile.
"Yeah you definitely didn't meant that" She playfully rolled her eyes at your 'apologie'.
"yep I didn't mean it" you replied boldly which anyone could laugh at if they were watching you talk.
"Your @$$" Eunchae cursed.
"My beautiful @$$ ? Yeah I know i am pretty" You played along with her savage side.
"Yes you are pretty but that's not what I meant" She added already annoyed by your replies but at the same time she loved them.
"Okay okay enough of this , let's eat now hehe" you giggled.
"Okay! Bon appétit!" She said before digging back into her meal.

After the meal everyone gathered outside the hotel building waiting for the bus to arrive.
Soon it arrived as everyone started getting on the bus one by one to head to their destination which was the Musée du Louvre.

On the bus you sat next to Niki of course meanwhile eunchae sat with her other bestfriend ningning but she was just a close friend in mutual to you.
Without any realisations you fell asleep on the shoulder of niki's while you were scrolling on your phone.
As Niki felt the heavy feeling of your head on his shoulder , he noticed you falling asleep with your phone screen on.

He took the phone on his hand about to close it but he saw that whatever you were scrolling on your phone was on a website of wedding rings...
"Cute... you don't know , it's coming your way soon" He whispered smiling at the screen of your phone.

~ To be continued
What do you think about this situation ? 🤭

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