Part 30

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Suddenly you felt Niki carry you in a bridal style heading towards the direction where his hotel room was located at.
You were confused on what he was trying to do in the middle of the night.
He kicked open the door since it was not locked earlier by him.
The moment the door flung open , the interior was exposed.
Everything looked the same except that there was only one bed.
"So he is the one with the solo room..?" You thought definitely happy that he didn't share a room with someone especially not a girl.
He threw you on the bed lightly without hurting you.
"And I definitely do not want you to share a room with that Jake guy" His jealousy was evident in his eyes and voice sending shivers down your spine , why was he so jealous.
It wasn't like you two were together for real anyway.
"I mean he already claimed me as his just awhile ago..." you mumbled in your mind.
"You are mine , mine and only mine" He spoke in his deep voice that always sent cold shivers down your spine.
As he finished the sentence he layed himself next to you completely changing his mood from a jealous guy to a clingy guy because now he was hugging your waist with his head resting on your neck , the area that he utilised to mark you as his only.

"You are so clingy" you chuckled at the sudden change in his behaviour towards you.
"Maybe I just like being closed to you" Niki murmured tightening his grip around your waist as he snuggled a bit more into your neck , making himself comfortable there.

By the warmth of your body and the beautiful smell of your perfume , he fell asleep almost immediately as you fell asleep in his warm embarace aswell.

~ The next day
You woke up to the rays of the sun shining through the white curtains displayed infornt of the windows.
You felt something heavy on your neck and your waist.
Well it was not something but a someone , it was Niki still resting his head on your neck with his arms wrapped around your waist.
You honestly didn't mind the clingy side of him , instead you found yourself loving it.
Suddenly you heard your phone buzz with a notification.
You picked it up in your hand and checked who it was.
"Jake?" You mumbled and red the text.

"Where are you Yn? You haven't returned in hours and its almost breakfast time" - Jake texted.
As you were reading the text , you noticed Niki groan a bit since he had woken up not feeling you beside him anymore.
"I will meet you in breakfast time , I am with eunchae right now" - You texted back with a half truth and a half lie since you didn't want him to get any wrong ideas if you said you were with Niki the whole night.
"Okay!" - He wrote before going offline as you did the same.

"Who is it?" You heard the deep voice of Niki's speak behind you.
"Jake~" You didn't lie since you didn't wanna keep any more secrets between you two.
"What does he want now..." Niki pouted as he spoke in his morning deep voice making you chuckle at his jealousy.
"Nothing , he was just asking where I went. You are so jealous" You said in a calm tone finding his jealousy side cute.
"Well you are marked as mine now anyways" He added glancing at the purple love bite that he had left on your neck yesterday.
You blushed hard as you ended up remembering the moment you shared with him last night.
"Have I ever told you how adorable you look when you blush? You make me fall deeper inlove with you everytime you smile." He said complimenting you and flirting with you first thing in the morning which made you feel a millions of butterflies in the stomach as your cheeks started getting redder while processing his words.
"Shut uppp!!" You shyly said flustered as you lightly hit him on the arm.
"Make me" He smirked thinking you would fall in his love trap again.
"I won't fall for your love tricks again" You said winking at him leaving him with a pout.
"Atleast a peck on the cheek please?" He pouted kinda begging for your kisses as you melted into his pout and decided to give him a peck.
You were about to give him a peck on the cheek when he suddenly turned his head around making you kiss him on the lips.

As you pulled out of the kiss since it was just a peck , you felt flustered once again.
"I never have too much tricks for your kisses baby" he winked at you smirking.
"I hate you!" You spoke and started heading towards the door of his hotel room to go to yours.
"I love you too" He replied to your words as you walked away without saying anything else.
"Cute" He mumbled watching you leave stomping.

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