Part 3

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You arrived at your school and always there were hundreds of students gathered around to see you arrive but you just ignored them went to your first class of the day.
it was dance and dance was one of the things you focused on the most, you had a passion for dancing.
But as you went to the changing room you finally realised that you forgot to bring your dance clothes with you.
You face palmed yourself and went to your locker to check if you were lucky enough to have extra clothes in there but of course luck was not on your side today.
You didn't even have any clothes in the locker.
"Heyy Yn !" You heard a familiar voice say from behind you.
"Oh hey Jake hru ?" You asked Jake, your bestfriend.
"I am doing good what about you?" He asked you back.
"Literally mad at myself , I forgot my extra clothes for dance class at home and I don't even have any extra clothes in my locker" you explained your situation right now to Jake.
"Damm what a great way to start your morning right ?" He joked around making you wanna punch him in the face because he would always crack a small joke but you loved him too much to punch.( as your bsf )
"do you have any extra clothes that could be good for dance class or something?" You asked having no other choice.
"Of course I do , I also have dance class today remember?" He said.
"Oh right !! Can I barrow a pair then ? Please"
"Alright sure come" he said heading towards his locker , then he pulled out a pair of black t-shirt and white shorts handing them to you.
"Thanks Jake !" You said before going back to the changing room as Jake went to the boy's ones aswell.
You quickly got changed to the clothes Jake gave you because the bell was about to ring to indicate that classes were starting now.
You stared yourself at the mirror , checking if you liked the way you looked in your bestfriends clothes.
His t-Shirt was a little big for your tiny body and it was noticeable that it was a male's clothes but you didn't care because it was your best friend's , no harm.
"Perfect" you said after putting on the cap you had brought with yourself to school , it completed your look then the bell rang so you went to the dance class.
Everyone was there already including Niki...
He was not just your rival through the families but also your dance rival.
You both were equally good in dancing which made you two get competitive to eachother or even worse the teacher would sometimes make you two dance mates.
"Alright everyone , get back to your dance mates from last week but this time we are gonna be doing some competing with every duo" the dance teacher said making you sigh in annoyance rolling your eyes because last week you got paired up with Niki which meant this time too.
As you were going to the direction where Niki was standing at you walked past Jake who whispered something in your ear.
"You look good in those clothes love" he said which made you blush because he always flirts jokingly but you always end up blushing.
After that your eyes met with the glaring ones of Niki, he was glaring at your whole god damm soul.
He looked mad for some reason but you didn't cared and stood next to him as the teacher proceeded to explain what you were gonna do now.
"Alright everyone , today we are gonna be competing against the other duos meaning every duo will be doing a dance cover to win against the rest of the people in this class" the teacher explained quickly before grabbing a small box that had small folded papers probably with the song names written on them.
"Alright Yeonjun and yuqi , you can choose first" the teacher said as yuqi grabbed a piece of paper from the box.
Then the other duos chose a folded paper aswell and it was your turn.
"And lastly Yn and Niki" she said and there was one and only folded paper left so you just took it.
"Alright , now that everyone has a song given to cover a dance , you may leave to go to a separate dance studio to practice" the teacher said as everyone nodded their head and went to different studios.
"OH HELL NAH" You shouted annoyed when you saw what was written on the paper.
~ Cliff hanger

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