Part 10

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Rivals to lovers || part 10 ||
After school you drove back to your mansion only to see hundreds of boxes in different size infront your house making you really confused.
You examined the boxes with your eyes while walking towards the door to make sure if they were some mail delivery or not but just as you were doing that , you bumped into something or better to say someone.
"Oh-!" The manly voice said when he bumped into you.
"Oh hello Lee Felix ? What's happening here and why are you holding a box?" You asked suspiciously when you saw your favourite bodyguard of the Nomura company come out of your house with a box on his arms.
"Your parents didn't tell you yet ?" He asked making you shake your head in no along with confusion of  what it had to do with your parents.
"Well you are moving to a new mansion so I was told to pack all of your belongings and move it to the new house + your house is already on sale so there is no going back" he explained everything and you couldn't believe anything anymore, you were being forced to move to a new mansion by your parents ?
Plus without a reason too?
"What's the reason behind it?" You asked sternly.
"I am not sure, Mrs.Nomura Just demanded me to do this" he said and headed to the corner and stacked the box he was holding ontop of other displayed boxes on the ground.
"Show me a picture of the new house please" you demanded sighing thinking of how the other house would be looking like.
Then he showed a 360° picture of the mansion and it was gigantic , just a bit more bigger than your current mansion that was now on sale.
"I wouldn't want to leave my beautiful mansion right here but since it's already on sale I have no choice... by the way , did you already remove stuff from my room?" You asked just incase your clothes weren't already packed.
"No miss but the others are about to go to your room too so if you need something right now , you should go" he answered to your question and you immediately ran inside the house to your room to get changed to a proper outfit for the club.
"Perfect!" You said wearing a tight short dress in red.
As you were staring at yourself in the mirror you heard a car horn so you immediately grabbed your small purse and went outside the house.
"Hey- WOAHH LOOKING SEXY" eunchae said putting her right hand in front her mouth in awe.
"Oh shut up , you look flawless yourself" you said complimenting her back then you were about to enter the car seat when Felix stopped you.
"Miss you were supposed to go with me now but I see you are gonna hang out with your bestfriend so may atleast know where you are going so that your parents don't fire me" he asked making you chuckled.
"I am just going to the new club that just opened last week" you said and entered the car then eunchae drove away to the club.
You were talking with eunchae throughout the whole drive when she asked a random question.
"By the way girl why are there so many boxes outside your house?" She asked.
"I don't know girl , my parents want me to move into a new mansion and it's actually pretty much beautiful and bit more bigger" you said shrugging.
"Weird" is all she replied with just then you arrived at the club making the topic change automatically.
~ to be continued

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