Part 6

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Rivals to lovers || part 6 ||
Soon it was already nighttime where you had to take a couples picture with Niki...
You didn't wanted to do it but you had no choice so you arrived at the park your parents told both of you to take the picture at.
A photographer was there already and so was Niki , he looked exactly as much annoyed as you were about this stuff.
"Alright now that you both are here , let's start , please pose for the picture" the photographer said as he positioned himself to take the bestest picture he could and you posed by laying your head on his shoulder as bout of you pretended to smile but the photographer didn't seem satisfied.
"Hmm I don't think this pose would be the perfect one for this picture" he said thinking of a new pose.
"IDEA! Why don't you pose like you are kissing eachother?" He suggested making both yours and Niki's eyes widened at the idea.
"WHAT NO!" You said in denial.
"Well you will have to do it somehow" the photographer shrugged.
"You gotta be kidding me" Niki mumbled annoyed as the photographer got back into his position indicating you both had to pose aswell.
Then you took your face closer to Niki's as if you were gonna kiss him but it was only for the picture , then the photographer took the photo.
"For some reason it doesn't look convincing to me" the photographer gave you an opinion.
"True..." you didn't wanna admit it but it had to be a convincing photo.
"Let's take another shot" he said making Niki sigh in annoyance.
"3..2..1 POSE!" He said as Niki mumbled something at the same time.
"So annoying" he mumbled and this time his lips actually touched yours, making your eyes widen by the feeling of his soft lips.
The moment you heard the click of the photo you quickly pulled out from him shocked.
You didn't notice but you were blushing.
"WOAHH this looks amazing" the photographer said satisfied with the shot he got , the he showed both of you the picture.
"Alright I am gonna send this to your parents" he said and soon he bid YALL two good bye before leaving as both Niki and you were alone now.
"FCK this , now I am stuck with you" Niki said rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Well it's not my fault" you scoffed.
"I don't care bye" he said and started walking to his home since he came without his car earlier as you did the same.
~ The next day ~
The photo was already out in the news shocking the whole media because you two were the biggest rival out here , the shocking news made more fame come to the company making it grow higher in business.
"Hopefully they are satisfied" you said looking at your phone and thenleft for school.
The moment you arrived at the school , you could hear the gossips as usual but this time it was louder.
"DAMM YN?!?!" You flinched when you heard Jake's voice from behind you.
"Ouhh you scared the soul out of me" you said acting dramatic while holding your chest with your hand which made Jake chuckle.
"Haha okay sorry but anyways what's this??" He said showing the news from his phone to you.
"Uhm it's not real" you said kinda telling the truth.
"I don't believe you Ynnie" he smirked teasing you.
"Ugh I'll tell you everything at lunch break alright ? Now I'll go to dance class bye-" you were about to leave but he cut you off.
"Hmm well I don't see any dance clothes on your hands right now or am I blind?" He said making you face palm yourself again.
"UGH NOT AGAIN!!" You said pouting annoyed because you just realised you forgot your clothes for the second time this week.
"Too busy last night I see" he teased you making you hit his shoulder playfully.
"Just shut up and give me a pair of extra clothes please" you said as he laughed and went towards his locker.
"There you go and I'll get going now bye" he said handing you the clothes and went towards his class which was physic.
You sighed for no reason and headed towards the changing room to change your clothes.

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