Part 17

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Rivals to lovers || part 17 ||
Previous : By now niki was getting way too frustrated with how you were acting with him ever since you two sat in the jet and that still didn't make sense to him , he couldn't remember if he had ever did anything wrong today , however this dude was literally missing the taste of your lips especially since you two got interrupted this morning...

Continuation :
You and Niki started unpacking your stuff as you were staying at the resort for 5 days.
While unpacking your stuff , you still hadn't talked to Niki nor took a glance at him , you were jealous but also mad at him for staring at that flight attendant earlier.
Niki actually still didn't know that you were ignoring him for that reason.

You two were busy unpacking your things from your luggages when suddenly both of your attention drifted to the door since someone was knocking on it.
You stood up and walked over to the door to open it.
Outside the door stood a young boy around your age in a uniform of the resort which meant he worked at the resort.
"Hello?" You confusingly greeted the worker in respect.
"Good morning ! I am here to inform that the person who reserved this hotel for the next 5 days wants everyone invited to go outside at the beach , like for a swim" The guy informed you while taking a glance of you from head to toe but you didn't notice that stare , instead niki noticed it...
"Alright thank you for informing!" You thanked for the information and closed the door only to see Niki glaring at you but you didn't care and just ignored him.
"We are going out for a swim" you said while walking past him to the closet you had just unpacked and hung your clothes in.

You picked out a bikini and a pair of shorts because you didn't just wanted to sleep under the sun but also wanted to swim of course , then you headed to the bathroom and got changed into the bikini before wearing the shorts over it to cover yourself a bit since you would be walking on the beach aswell.
You came out of the bathroom seeing Niki already changed into his black swimming shorts.

"Let's go?" Niki said having no problem with what you were wearing at all which was a good thing.
You ignored his sentence and walked ahead of him while he just followed you still frustrated.
Like you were giving him a silent treatment which was driving him insanely crazy.

You headed outdoors to the beach , the sun was shining brightly making the weather hot aswell.
You were wearing a summer hat so you quickly took it off of your head and threw on the sand before jumping in the fresh cold sea water.
Your heated up body quickly met with the cold feeling of the sea water making you feel more like relaxed as you kept swimming in the water while being observed by your 'boyfriend' Niki.

"Cute" he mumbled smiling seeing you swim in the water because of the illusion of your body being extremely small under the water which he found cute.
Suddenly he decided to go in the water aswell but he wanted to chase you now since you were ignoring him for way too long.

You were unaware of him swimming right behind you until you felt someone hugging you from behind.
You met with the heat of his body and you knew exactly who's hug it was.
Despite knowing who it was , you still didn't turn around to check or hug him back.
"Love~ Why are you ignoring me" The deep voice of your so called boyfriend said and based off the tone of his voice , you could tell he was pouting feeling sad.
You felt guilty now...but you still didn't let that stop you from being angry.
"Well that flight attendant, why were you staring at her?" You asked still not facing him which made him chuckle a bit.
"So you were jealous this whole time?" He asked chuckling.
"ANSWER MY DAMM QUESTION NISHIMURA RIKI" You shouted both with anger and jealousy in your eyes to the point you called him by his full name.

The air is getting spicier guys 🤭

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