Part 23

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Its now Monday, you woke up early to get ready for the school trip to Paris.
The alarm rang early in the morning as the brightly shining sun shined through the giant windows of your room.
Niki was still asleep on the crook of your neck, seeing him sleeping like this reminded you of the last day at the resort with him which made you smile while remembering.

"Wake up baby~" you spoke in a soft tone trying to wake him up gentelly.
"5 more minutes please~" He said in his morning deep voice groaning as the sun hit directly on the eyelids of his eyes.
"Come on! We will be late for school!!" You added to the short conversation and stood up from the bed heading to the bathroom leaving him behind still sleeping.

You got showered quickly and wore a black bathrobe before exiting the bathroom only to see Niki still sleeping.
"BROOOO WAKE UPPPPP!!!" You shouted at him which made him open his eyes instantly scared.
"Yah women , do you need some therapy??" He answered as if you were both strangers to eachother.
"Shut up I am not a women" You replied back to him thinking he was calling you old by calling you a women.
"Yes you are my women" He smirked as you reacted to his words by glaring at him leading him to burst into laughter firstly in the morning.
"YOU BETTER GET READY OR ELSE THIS SLIPPER WILL MEET YOUR FACE" You said threatening him while taking one of your slipper in your right hand.
"Your face would be a better option not gonna lie" he said referring to your lips colliding with his.
Hearing that sentence you threw the slipper at him as he dodged by moving away from his spot.
"You would've been dead if you didn't dodge that MISTER" You glared at him as you finally started drying your hair but he was still laughing at the situation you got stuck in with him.

<<Time skip>>

You exited the car as Niki opened the car door to your side being the gentleman he was.
You were ofcourse now at the parking lot of a normal airport since it's a school trip that included using planes as the transportation.

After that niki went to the car trunk where the luggages were located in.
He took both yours and his luggage out closing the trunk back along with locking all doors of the car with the car keys that he was holding on his hand.
Afterwards he held a luggage on each hand walking towards the elevator to head to the lobby of the airport.
Him doing everything for you was making you feel really precious at the moment for some reason.
You giggled quietly following him from behind all the way till the lobby where rest of the senior students were gathered for the trip.

"So is everyone here?!" Your art teacher alsed to the group of people gathered around while glancing at the watch around his wrist.
Right after that question of your teacher's , you heard someone exiting the parking lot exit while running with a luggage.
It was Eunchae , she must've woken up late.
"Sorry sir! I wake up late" Eunchae apologised while finally inhaling some air as her heartbeat started to calm down.
You chuckled at the situation just like you predicted leading eunchae to lightly hit your arm.
"You are laughing after disappearing for a whole 4 days ??" Eunchae playfully scoffed scolding to you like a grandmother.
"hehehe sorry I forgot to tell you!!" You still couldn't stop laughing at her late arrival.

"Passengers of flight to Paris please board now!" You heard the announcement being announced loudly through the mic so everyone could hear it.
"Alright everyone , please don't forget your luggage and start boarding the plane now , if you get lost , I am not in fault okay?" The teacher spoke not taking the Responsibilities anymore since you were all grown teenagers.

Shortly after everyone started to board the plane one by one some heading to economy class and some heading to first class including you , niki and eunchae aswell.
Your luggages were already checked in aswell.

Now you were searching for your first class seat together with eunchae and not with Niki because you had no idea where he went to.
"OMGG GIRL!! WE ARE TOGETHER IN A ROW!!" Eunchae suddenly turned to you saying a sentence while giggling happily making you do the same.
"YESS!!" You giggled aswell but quickly switched back to your serious mode , your duality was unmatchable.

Both of you sat on your seating area immediately before the plane started to take off from the runway.
You quickly prepped your bed and fell into your dreamland while Eunchae was already watching a random movie on the small screen displayed infront of her.

~ To be continued
This part a bit messed up

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