Part 24

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After awhile what felt like days , you woke up randomly in a room.
"Huh?" The word slipped out of your mouth confused as you sat up from the bed you were laying on before you woke up.
"Where am I ?" You slowly asked yourself while rubbing your head since you were still quite sleepy.
You quickly observed your surroundings , you were in a room that looked like an old money hotel room located at a resort.
You stood up from the bed and opened the curtains widely to check where you were.
And indeed , it was a beach resort.
"What a beautiful view" you mumbled smiling while staring at the view out from your window.
Your admiration got interrupted when you heard a knock on the door.

You walked over to the door and opened it for whoever was knocking from the other side.
"OMGGGG YN, COME OUTSIDE THE WEATHER IS SO GOOD!!!" The girl behind the door said the moment you opened it.
"Oh Eunchae ! Are we going for a swim??" You asked as she hummed in response and nodded her head while smiling.
"Get dressed up in your swimsuit" Eunchae added as she was already wearing her swimsuit.
"Okay girly , wait for me here" you said and quickly headed to the closet to get out a pair of bikini.

You headed to the bathroom and got changed into your Swimwear along with a pair of shorts over it.
You took off any jewellery you had on before heading back to the spot where eunchae was waiting for you , she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I am done!" You spoke as eunchae took her eyes off of her phone.
"DAMM LOOK AT THOSE CURVES , SO HOT" Eunchae added technically complimenting you.
"Thanks gorgeous" you smiled at the compliment as Eunchae now intertwined your arms and dragged you outside the hotel.

The sun was shining brightly as you felt the heat of it all around your body.
"GIRL COME , LETS GET INTO THE WATER!!" Eunchae excitedly said dragging you to the sea water without even waiting for your response.
"WAIT NO-" before you could even finish your sentence , you met with the mid cold water as your long hair immediately got soaked wet with the water.
"I still have my shorts on..." you finished your sentence slowly in disbelief as you blew a strand of your hair away from your eyes.
"OOPSIES" Eunchae reacted with an devilish smile.
"EUNCHAEEEEEEEE!" You screamed as she immediately began to run out of the water because she knew you were gonna chase her now.
And that's exactly what you did , chasing her around the whole island.
"GET YOUR @$$ BACK HERE" you shouted behind her but she was just having fun being chased by you.
"ITS JUST A PAIR OF SHORTS BRO" She shouted back while laughing with her whole body as she immediately fell down on the sand since she was laughing really hard.

You on the other hand were still chasing her but didn't noticed that she was gonna stop running so you almost stumbled upon her.
Luckily you didn't tripped over her but... you ran past her and you were slowing down with your feet looking behind at her when suddenly you felt like you bumped into something... or someone.
You fell on the sand , on top of them with your lips touching eachother.
Your eyes widened as you realised what just happened.

You were about to stand up from the guy's chest and apologise for the situation but suddenly you felt like someone was shaking you.

~ To be continued

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