Part 8

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Rivals to lovers || part 8 ||
After dance class both you and Niki went to the cafeteria holding hands because you couldn't be suspicious but when you entered the cafeteria the whole room dropped into a silence along with everyone's jaw dropping on the floor.
Then someone broke the loudest ever silence with a scream.
"DAYUMM NIKI ? AND YN? HOLDING HANDS ? WHAT IN THE KDRAMA IS THIS" A guy screamed with a hint of surprise in his voice.
Everytime someone said something about you and Niki was making you blush and you couldn't understand why it was like that.
"Am I falling for him - NO ! he is my enemy and he will forever remain-" you thought to yourself but your thoughts got interrupted when Niki was lightly pulling you towards the lineup to order food.
"OMG YALL ITS THE RIKI AND YN WE KNOW , THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS" the last person in the line said the moment you two walked up to the line making everyone's head in the line turn to you two.
"MAKE WAY FOR THEM" one of the students said as everyone made way for you two so you could cut the line and get your food faster.
"Atleast this thing is useful for something" you said to yourself and both you and Niki walked forward to get your food.
After getting your food you and Niki separated your ways and went to your own friends to eat with.
You didn't find Jake so you went to eunchae your other bestfriend.
"Hey girl how are you doing?" You asked eunchae who was on her phone eating but she putted her phone away when she heard your voice.
"Shh keep your voice down" you shushed her while sitting down infront of her.
"Anyways don't get your hopes up because this is all fake and I would never ever be with him" you explained while eating your food.
"Hmm okay i believe that it's fake but I don't believe that you would never be with him because girl did you see your face when someone screamed 'what in the KDRAMA is this' ?" Eunchae said teasing you making bite your lower lips in Embarrassment.
"I knew it" she said with a satisfied face and continued to eat while leaning her back on the chair.
"Yah shut up , I am not lying" you tried to prove your point.
"I still don't believe you and never will believe you when you say this sentence again" she said.
"Anyways have you heard of where we are going at for a trip ?"Eunchae asked you and you shook your head 'No'.
"Well next Monday we are going to Paris for 5 days especially to visit the different kinds of art museums there but I think there will be more stuff that we will do there since it's a bit too long to just visit museums" Eunchae explained but the moment you were about to reply , you got pulled back by your hair.
"DIDNT I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY NIKI?!?!" Karina yelled at you making you scoff.
"What a spoiled brat" you mumbled getting out of her weak grip.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!" Karina slapped you on the cheek making your lips bleed.
"Tsk just accept the fact that HE IS MINE NOW , ACCEPT YOUR FCKING FATE" you yelled back at her still not slapping her back or something.
"Yours ? Tsk why would he ever date someone who can't even slap me back" Karina scoffed along with a smirk and you had enough so you were about to slap her but someone held your hand back from slapping her.
"I think it's better if I give her a slap" Niki said before slapping Karina not too hard but of course of how obsessed she was , she let herself fall on the ground.
"H-How could you" She pouted acting heartbroken.
"Someone like you deserves worser than this so be grateful I only slapped you and keep in your damm mind that I only belong to Yn , accept it Karina I never loved you , you just think that because you are too obsessed with me" Niki said a lot of harsh words at Karina before picking you up in a bridal style and went to the nursery room to take care of your bleeding lips.
"Yah I am not that hurt , I can walk" You said wiggling trying to get back on your feet but he just turned his head towards your face glaring at you which made you stay quiet because of how daring his glare was.
~ To be continued

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