Part 4

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Rivals to lovers || Part 4 ||
"OH HELL NAH, THERE IS NO WAY I AM DOING A DANCE COVER OF 'TROUBLE MAKER' WITH YOU" you shouted annoyed after seeing what song was written on the paper.
"Why, what's wrong with it?" He asked smirking looking at your annoyed face.
"Ugh you are so annoying Riki" you said rolling your eyes.
"It's amusing to tease you Yn Nomura" he said making you wanna just punch that smug off his face.
You stood up and went to the corner of the studio to warm up for the dance choreography, you had no choice but to do the dance cover with him.
Seeing you do warm up already , he stood and went to the other corner to do his warm up aswell.
"You ready?" Niki asked after finishing his warm up as you nodded to his question then he played the song 'troublemaker' on his phone.
Both you and him started doing the dance moves on the first try just by taking glances at the choreography shown on his phone and so far you were perfecting it even if it was the first try along with Niki.
You went close to Niki as the choreography showed and you never noticed how beautiful his aura was to the point you blushed a little staring at his eyes.
He smirked at you who was blushing a little but it was visible for him.
Soon the song ended as you both sat down on the floor sweating a little.
"That wasn't that hard , was it?" He smirked
"N-No it was easy" his smirk made you stutter the moment your eyes landed on him, how did he have this effect on you?
"If that's so , let's practice a few more times and next time wear something else" he said as his eyes darkened and you somehow felt butterflies in your stomach ?
"No Yn ! He is your enemy stop" you reminded yourself and went to your dance position as you practiced the dance a few more times until you both wear satisfied with it but there was one thing niki wasn't satisfied with.
"Ugh Yn!! Can't you come a bit closer ? You are way too far away" he said when the dance move came where you would have to move your face close to his.
"Do I have to!?" You mumbled annoyed as he nodded so you had no choice but to obey him , after all you didn't wanna loose against anyone.
"That's more like it" you could hear the satisfaction on his voice tone then the bell rang for lunch time.
"Bye looser" he said and headed towards cafeteria making you roll your eyes and headed towards the cafeteria aswell.
"Hellaur Yn! How was dancing with your enemy?"  Jake smirked teasing you.
"It was awkward because of the dance moves..." you said making him widened his eyes.
"Did it include kissing part or something-" he got cut off by you.
"Naur I would rather loose than kiss him"
"Well it would be cool if the shipped couples would get together-" again you cut him off.
"NAHH HIM & ME ? OVER MY DEAD BODY" you suddenly screamed making him chuckle but you sat back down embarrassed when everyone was staring at you.
"HAHAHA YNN" he couldn't stop laughing to the point you wanted stuff his face with food so he would shut up.

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