Part 26

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"So Yuna with lia , Taehyun with Yeonjun , Yuka with yunjinn~" Your teacher kept announcing the roommates one by one as you waited for your name to be said.

"And last but not least , Yn with Jake" you sighed in relief since it was one of your friends but Niki didn't seemed too happy about which you didn't noticed because all of your attention was on the teacher who was yapping about random things.

"So for today you all are free to do whatever you want after the lunch you will be having which is in about 30 minutes so go to your rooms and come back to the Buffet area by 1PM." Your teacher spoke while looking at the time on the watch wrapped around his wrists as the students started to part their ways one by one heading to the different floors of the hotel.

"Hey jake , let's go ?" You asked him smiling lightly not to seem too smiley.
"Sure" he chuckled at your cuteness and dragged his suitcase following you who was heading towards the interior of the elevator.

"Are you excited for this trip ?" Jake questioned you since you seemed to be in a excited mood for some reason.
"Of course! Paris had always been my favourite because this is where my parents met eachother and people call it the city of love" You smiled remembering of how your mother told her story with your dad a few years ago.
"That sounds so beautiful not gonna lie , they must've really fallen for eachother" Jake reacted to your reason behind the desire of being in this city at the moment.
"I know righttt they are still so lovey dovey haha" you chuckled as the elevator door opened to the 7th floor where your assigned room was at.

"Btw what number is the room ?" You asked as you still had no idea about it.
"Oh it's 141" He answered after checking the number on the access card.
While walking looking forward after getting the answer you saw someone , it was Niki but before you could react more he had already went inside his room.
"Does he have a solo room..?" You asked yourself mumbling which got Jake confused as he didn't quite hear the sentence.
"Did you say something?" Jake asked curiously with a confused expression.
"Huh-Oh yeah it's nothing" You got confused for a second which he found suspicious since it seemed like a lie but he shook the thoughts off quickly.

Then you two arrived at the front of your hotel room door as Jake opened the door with the access card.
~ Soon to be continued

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