Part 21

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Rivals to lovers || Part 21 ||
"I feel like I am taking care of a 5 year old" you jokingly said in a teasing voice but in reality you didn't mind his Hugs.
The moment you said that , he stood up from the bed immediately.
"I am not a baby~" He said pouting in a soft tone as he walked towards the bathroom to freshen up leaving you behind laughing.
"YOU ARE A BABY TO ME" you shouted in a teasing voice chuckling as he shut the bathroom door shut.
"Cute" you mumbled before continuing to do other things.

You took out a purse from your luggage along with a hair dryer.
You started drying your hair out humming a melody.
The sun was shining brightly through your curtain making you more motivated to go through the day easily.

After you were finished with drying your hair , you repacked the hair dryer in the luggage of yours before closing the luggage for the last time.
After that you just sat on the edge of the bed scrolling through your phone while waiting for Niki to finish showering.

Your focus on the phone got disturbed once you heard the bathroom door click open.
Niki had a towel wrapped around his waist while his hair was dripping wet.
"BRO WEAR SOME CLOTHES!!" You shouted shyly closing your eyes.
"As you demand BRO" He said saying the word 'Bro' out loud.
You heard a sound of clothes being used which meant he did wear a t-shirt or something.
"Can I now ?" You asked him for premission to look at him once again but only if he was wearing his clothes.
"Sure you can" He answered as you finally took your eyes off only to see him with a pair of shorts but shirtless.
"BRO I TOLD YOU TO WEAR SOME CLOTHES" you yelled at him but he wasn't buying it at all.
"Well BRO I am wearing a pair of shorts and that is some clothes" He said making a teasing face at you.
"I hate you!" You said crossing your arms but you couldn't take your gaze off of his abs.
"I love you too" he replied as he started drying out his hair aswell which didn't take him long since he had short hair.

<<Time skip>>
Now you were boarding the private jet with Niki.
Luckily the flights attendant that you faught about last time wasn't there this time making you sigh in relief.
You sat on a one person sofa with another one person sofa across you along with a coffee table sized table in middle of you.
Niki sat across you scrolling once again on his phone as you did the same.

About 3 hours have passed by now and you had fallen asleep on your sofa but Niki wasn't and he didn't notice you falling asleep.
Until you landed back to the area where Niki lived alone before but now together with you.

"Love~ wake up" He said in a soft tone as he lightly played with your lips to wake you up.
You felt his touch on your lips making you slowly wake up.
"What?" You said yawning because you had just woke up and had no idea what was happening.
"We have arrived , now get up" He answered to your confusion reaction.
"ALREADY??" Your eyes shockingly shot open for some reason.
You searched for your purse that you had laid on the table before sleeping but you couldn't find it.
"I am holding it Yn , now come on!!" He said inpatiently as he gave his hand to you indicating you to hold it.
"Oh.!" You replied holding his hand as he led you all the way out of the plane.
You met with the old air of the Seoul city making your eyes feel more awake.
Niki held your hand the whole time , I guess he loved holding your small and soft hands.

~ To be continued

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