Part 25

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You were about to stand up from the guy's chest and apologise for the situation but suddenly you felt like someone was shaking you.
"YN-AH , WAKE UPPPP!" You heard a familiar voice call out your name while you were being shaken by the shoulder.

"Huh- what ?" You reacted to her words as random thoughts spun around your mind confusingly.
"What do you mean what ? We are already at our destination" Eunchae spoke.
"Was it just a dream..?" You added still processing everything that just happened.
"What dream ?" Now Eunchae herself was confused about your reaction.
"Never mind , it's nothing" You shook the thoughts off as Eunchae gave you a confused face but eventually she forgot about it aswell.

You grabbed your purse on your hands and started to exit the plane Slowly as there were a lot of passengers.
You quickly met with the new vibe of the airport of France along with the French air.
Somehow you felt extremely happy to be feeling the air of here.
You admired the view from the giant glass windows from your left side when you suddenly got interrupted by your right hand being occupied by someone else's hand.
"OH.! YOU SCARED ME" You spoke a bit loudly when you realised it was your boyfriend.
"Hehe sorry , I just missed you" Niki said pouting like a baby which you found adorable as always.
"Awhh already ?" You teased him while walking together with him all the way out of the airport.

Outside the airport was a Bus reserved for your class and everyone was entering it one by one while you and Niki waited for your turn.
Soon enough your turn came as you finally met with a much more colder air inside the bus since it was really sunny outside.
"Should we sit at the back?" Niki questioned as you nodded in response before heading all the way to the backseats of the bus and making yourself comfortable since you were gonna be on the bus for another 20 minutes.

A few moments later the bus began to head to your destination of the reserved hotel around Paris.
Niki was scrolling on his phone still not leaving your hand out of his while you were technically doing the same but you were getting bored by watching your phone.
"Baby~" You called him out pouting.
"Yes princess ? Are you bored ?" Niki answered already guessing your mood by your face and pout.
"Awhh come here" he said and lightly pulled you a bit more closer before his lips collided with yours.
It didn't even take you a second to respond to his kiss since it seemed like your body was craving for the taste of his lips in a long time.
"Cute" he chuckled while pulling out of the kiss as you pouted again but unfortunately he didn't kiss you again.

<< Time skip >>
The 20 minutes passed by quickly as you had already arrived at the Hotel when your rooms were reserved.
One by one every one of you headed out of the bus and all the way to the lobby of the Big hotel that looked extremely luxurious but it wasn't anything new for you.

The teachers of your art class picked up all the keys of the hotel rooms that were reserved for your art class.
"Everyone follow me" One of the two teachers said grabbing everyone's attention as he led the way all the way to the end of the lobby where there were sofas and other kinds of sitting objects.

"There will be a room arrangement since there were not enough rooms available in this hotel and this is the nearest hotel we could find to the airport.
So everyone will be having a roommate except for one person who will be having a solo room." Your teacher said a long paragraph but your eyes widened when you realised what he was talking about.
~ To be continued
In my opinion I think the storyline is starting to get boring , I am sorry y'all 😭

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