Chapter Eighteen

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My hands are grabbed by Shane, and he motions for me to meet him in the middle of the dance floor. The tune that is playing in the background is "Love story" by Taylor Swift. Shane reaches out and gets hold of my waist, pulling me closer to him. He smiles at me as he stares into my eyes, and together we do a few moves of dance. He doesn't take his eyes off of me for even a millisecond. He fixes his gaze on the depths of my pupils as if his own survival is at stake. He carefully grabs my face and then pulls his face closer to mine in the same deliberate manner. It's almost as if we're going to kiss each other. I suppose that this is what I have been looking forward to my whole life. A wonderful first kiss shared with an incredible young man at the prom. I squeeze my eyes tight and wait for it to happen, but then Alex pulls Shane away from me—

"What a slut!" Alex yells it out.

The other guests put an end to their dancing and turn their attention to the three of us. I have no idea what just drove Alex to act in that manner. I am offended that he would treat me with such disrespect by making such a rude comment to me. a slutty woman? What Is It, A S L U T? I don't even know what I done to deserve such a poisonous react to it. My only wish was that I wouldn't run into him. to avoid meeting with him. and enjoy the most wonderful evening with Shane. And despite the fact that everything was going smoothly, Alex insisted on getting in the way of the beautiful and romantic kiss that Shane and I were about to enjoy.

"Alex, what in the bloody hell are you trying to say!?" I scream —

"Put an end to that, Sara. You can't possibly kiss him if you love me, can you?" Alex yells at me.

When I look around, I notice that everyone is looking at us and listening to what we have to say. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. And Alex is acting in such a manner that is not only rude but really toxic and cruel right now. I'm really ashamed of myself. And Shane isn't even making a sound in response to this. Alex's hold on Shane's arm is more persistent than ever. And Shane's eyes keep darting back and forth between Alex and me throughout the conversation. I say this as a tear runs down my cheek and it occurs to me that--

"No, I don't... I really don't... Alex—"

I ignore the fact that Alex looks like he's about to die after I made my sentence clear. I exit the ballroom and call an Uber to take me back home.

. . . .

I enter my room and lock the door before I sit down. I lose my balance and fall to the ground, looking up at the ceiling of my room. I heaved a large sigh and let it go. And I closed both of my eyes. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up straight. I glance to the left side of me and then into the mirror. I take a good long look at myself in the mirror. Because my makeup is destroyed to such an extent, people might mistake me for a vampire. Again, a tear slides down my cheek, and I let out a scream. I'll yell it as loud as I can. It was loud enough that the rest of my house could hear it, despite the fact that my door was shut and locked. I sob. Shouting and howling while tears pour down like rain in the background. I have such an empty feeling and such an ache in my heart. How utterly ashamed I am. Oh, how deceived! I was made to feel humiliated as a direct result of all that Alex did. Betrayed, however, by the fact that Shane didn't even say a word. He didn't utter a single word at all. He—

He did not speak up and watched as Alex put me down with his unpleasant comments while. It's true that I've been dishonest about the fact that I no longer love Alex. I truly love him very much. and the fact that I do causes me a great deal of pain. I really want to despise him. But I'm not sure what's preventing me from doing so. He has never done anything but cause me harm. The time has come. Even though he has mistreated me in so many ways, I still can't hate him... Tonight was a real stinker. And the fact that Shane remained silent during the entire conversation. Even though Shane is my best buddy, he didn't support me in this argument tonight. Isn't it sufficient evidence to conclude that he absolutely deceived me!? And Alex... why did he have to spew all of that crap when it's clear that I have no impact whatsoever on his life?

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