Possessive (Shreyas x Rahul) (part 2)

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"I beg your pardon?"

Shreyas asked with wide eyes, not really believing that Rahul just said it out so loud.

"If you wish to a-after I made you angry."

Rahul mumbled looking down. He just couldn't continue the eye contact. It was so intense and Shreyas' dark eyes were clearly not letting Rahul to maintain it. 

Rahul didn't hear anything further but soon he yelped when he felt Shreyas pick him up and made him sit on the table. His hands were holding Shreyas' shoulders tightly as Shreyas stood between his legs. Their proximity level was so low that Rahul felt that his heart might burst. They've never been intense before, not even a little. All they had were pecks or just a kiss of 5 seconds. So, Rahul was very nervous. He felt his body run cold as his mind went blank as he looked up at Shreyas who was holding him tightly by his waist so he wouldn't squirt around.

"I'll not like to have sex with you Rahul. But I do want to make love with you. If you're okay with it."

Shreyas smiled at the end which encouraged Rahul as he spoke,

"So make love to me, I'm so ready to feel you."

With those words hardly uttered from Rahul's mouth, Shreyas captured his lips. It was a slow and soft kiss. Shreyas wanted to prove how much he loves Rahul and wants the person, not his body. With the soft kiss ending, Shreyas pulled out and rested his lips on the other's, as he spoke,

"I want to make sure that you want it. There's no one forcing you baby."

Rahul could feel Shreyas' hands running up and down his sides, which made him weak at his knees.

"Just fuck me already, please."

Rahul wrapped his hands around Shreyas' neck and pulled him closer, lip locking with him. Shreyas has had his consent. He sucked on Rahul's lower lip and gripped his waist tightly, at which Rahul moaned, because the pressure was so, that maybe it could form a bruise the next day. Shreyas, not letting go of the opportunity, slipped his tongue inside Rahul's mouth, devouring every inch and corner. Rahul tasted like chocolate, and that's what made their kiss more intense. And from Rahul's point of view, Shreyas tasted something like a cigarette. Rahul knows Shreyas doesn't smoke, but the taste is just so good.

Shreyas' hands left Rahul's waist, going to unbutton his shirt buttons. But getting frustrated as he was concentrating on the kiss and not on the buttons, he was failing to open them. So he just tore his shirt at which Rahul gasped again, but didn't mind.

Once they both became breathless, Shreyas licked all the way down to Rahul's jawline to his collarbone making Rahul let go of small whimpers. It's his first time, he has never felt this interesting and excited feeling before. It just felt so good.

Rahul bit his lip to gulp down the moan that was coming out of his mouth, when he felt Shreyas' teeth biting against his skin.

"You put down a moan, the more I'll make you suffer without letting you cum."

Shreyas demanded as Rahul blushed furiously but moaned out the next time when he felt Shreyas giving him another hickey. Shreyas came back to kiss him and opened his own shirt and threw it somewhere. He picked up Rahul and gently settled him on the bed, hovering above him.

He trailed his tongue to Rahul's nipples and sucked hard on the right one as his fingers played with the other.

(Oh my god. Take some waves holy water🌊🌊🌊)

"S-Shrey- oh my god."

Rahul moaned again when he felt Shreyas biting his nipple but soon roaming his tongue on it to soothe the pain. While he was still at Rahul's nipples, his hands worked on opening Rahul's belt. Once he was successful, he slid out Rahul's pants along with his underwear. He sat up to admire his boyfriend.

Rahul was as red as a traffic signal. He had never been naked in front of someone, that was so obvious. And Shreyas being clothed, wasn't helping him.

Shreyas smiled before whispering in his ear,

"You're beautiful, love."

Rahul blushed more at the compliment and hid himself in Shreyas' chest. Shreyas smiled once again, before leaving a long kiss on his forehead and getting up to unbutton his own pants.

Rahul knew about the strategy so he said,

"Fuck me already. I don't want your fingers."

Shreyas was shocked.

"But it will hurt."

"I don't care," was Rahul's undaunted reply.

"Baby no, I won't hurt you for this. I need to prepare you."

Shreyas said in an ordering voice, but Rahul was not ready to listen to him.

"Please Shrey, I can handle it." Rahul whined as Shreyas shook his head.

"You can't."

"Oh are you now scared of entering me? I don't think your small dick would hurt me that much."

The beast awakened at those words.

"Shut the fuck up Rahul. You want it raw right? You'll get it. I won't give you the time to adjust. You brought it upon yourself."

Shreyas said in a bitter voice before spreading Rahul's knees with a jerk and entering inside him in one go. Rahul shouted. Of course, Shreyas warned him before. Shreyas is a man of his word. Without giving the smaller boy any time to adjust, he started pounding into him, like a beast.

Tears slipped Rahul's eyes. The first few thrusts were hell for him. His hands were pinned, he didn't even get to hold Shreyas. He asked shrey to slow down, but who was listening to who. It was so painful at first that Rahul felt his insides tearing apart.

But after a few thrusts, when Shreyas hit the particular place, Rahul moaned at said,


Shreyas smirked hitting the same spot again and again. Rahul just couldn't hold it in.

"I-I am feeling w-weird!"

"Let it out baby."

And with that, Rahul spurted his seeds all over Shreyas' dick as Shreyas came outside him. They both panted for a moment.

"Are you okay-"

Shreyas asked Rahul but pulling his head up he saw that Rahul had already passed out and was leaving soft snores. Shreyas smiled as he got up and cleaned himself and his boyfriend. He made Rahul wear his shirt and pulled on a blanket over both their bodies. He pulled Rahul towards him, as he snuggled into his chest getting the familiar warmth..

Next day

Rahul's eyes fluttered open. He looked here and there and then he saw Shreyas coming out of the bathroom. He grumbled and rubbed his eyes with the back of his fists as Rahul sat beside him.

"Good morning baby."

He chirped as Rahul grumbled again and tried sitting up.

"Ah ah ah."

So mane 'ahs' left his mouth as his legs, back was in pain.

"Is it hurting very much?"

Shreyas asked in a concerned voice pulling the latter on his lap.

"No, I'm fine."

And then Rahul realised he wasn't wearing any underwear but was sitting on Rahul's lap. His blush made a comeback as Shreyas got the hint and chuckled.

"Now now now, there's no barrier between us. We've seen everything about our partner. So why blush now."

Shreyas said teasing as he booped his nose with the others. Rahul hugged him tightly,

"I love you Shrey."

"I love you too my baby bear."

With that the whole day went by Shreyas taking care of his bear...
An enddd!!

I was urging to give this update so I gave! Now I hope I can get a span of a few days for the next update. Next update will be on rohirat.

Tell me how the chapter was and obviously inform if you have any requests!

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