Kitchen (Ishan x Shubman)

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Here comes the first Ishman oneshots. Guys, please note that maybe I'll not update much Ishman oneshots, because I've already written a whole damn story on them. It has got everything except intimation. So here I present you, an Ishman oneshot which containes steamy smut.

Top - Shubman
Bottom - Ishan

Ishan jerked the microwave harshly.

"Why this shit is not working."

He mumbled to himself by checking the plugs and all. Everything was nice and good. So what suddenly happened to the microwave? He sighed, frustrated, everything was happening wrong with him that day.

Shubman had a day off, he had pre-planned so many things, but in the morning Shubman's boss was suddenly like, "hey Shubman, we need to work. Sorry I have to take away your holiday."


That was the first hit for Ishan this morning. Then he started to clean the house, when he suddenly slipped on water and fell on his back. It was not good. It almost felt that his waist broke or something. Then, he broke a nice set of cup of which one glass pierced his feet a little, in the result of which he lost a bit of blood. Something he ordered was meant to come today but then a message entered saying that it had been delivered to a wrong address and he'll get the product, 3 days later again. And now, this microwave is not working.

This was the worst day for him out of all. Ishan was chopping some vegetables, listening to music. Music is the best thing that helps his mood lighten up after Shubman. It was almost 8:30pm.

And just 5 minutes after he felt two snaky hands sliding around his waist from behind. He already knew who the person was, so he didn't need to confirm and he didn't even push him away, because it's good to have Shubman's warmth after so much time.

"Your meeting's over?"

Ishan tilted his head in order to give Shubman more access to his neck once he realised that the taller lad was snuggling his own face in his neck. Shubman inhaled Ishan's scent, feeling all his tiredness fly away.


Ishan giggled once he felt Shubman peppering his neck with soft kisses. He loved having those. But soon a wet moan left his mouth once he realised that Shubman has started sucking and biting his sweet spot.

His knees crumbled as he leaned onto the counter, held by Shubman in the waist.


Ishan said him to stop but not that he was in mood to stop. He needed to feel Shubman, he had missed him all day though the latter had been home.

"You really want me to stop?"

Shubman whispered softly biting his earlobe,

"Why don't you think it over, sweetheart."

Ishan moaned again once he felt Shubman sucking his earlobe just where he bit it. His grasped the counter in order to gain some support when he felt Shubman's hands slip inside his shirt.

"You still want me to stop?"

Shubman whispered again, brushing his lips against Ishan's white, skinny neck.

"No no shub! Don't stop!"

Shubman smirked proudly, as his cold hands roamed around Ishan's newly formed abs and soft skin. Ishan was fucking liking the contact he was having.

"I can't wait anymore, Ish."

Shubman whispered again, but seductively. A breathy moan escaped Ishan's lips just listening to Shubman's voice.

"So don't, do whatever you want."

That was the consent shubman was urging to hear. It wasn't like they haven't been intimate before, but Shubman never forgets to ask for Ishan's consent everytime they have sex. That's the thing Ishan likes about his boyfriend the most.

With the words hardly uttered out from Ishan's mouth, Shubman spun in around and crashed their lips together as he ripped off Ishan's shirt. Ishan gasped due to the sudden action, as he never in hell expected that, but didn't mind. It's best when it's fierce.

Shubman pushed his own tongue inside Ishan's mouth, his hand going down and messaging Ishan's clothed dick from above.

Shubman pulled out when Ishan became breathless, a string of saliva connecting their lips.

Ishan's mouth remained opened, as Shubman pulled down Ishan's shorts and underwear in one go, messaging Ishan's hardened dick. The airy moans from Ishan only encouraged shubman to do more.

The way Shubman was continuously fasting his pace, made Ishan rolled his eyes backwards, drool running down his mouth. It was really a sight for shubman. The pleasure was intense, and for Ishan it was just too good because they were being intimate after many months.

"S..shub, oh..ohh my god.. ahh... I-I... Am going..... Ahhhh."

Shubman knew what Ishan was trying to say. He stopped jerking his hands which resulted in a lengthy whine from Ishan, but before he could complain shubman had already turned him back and slammed him on the counter, kicking his own shorts off and sliding inside him in one go.


It was many days later, so Ishan couldn't take it in properly. Few tears rolled off his eyes, but when Shubman started rolling his hips forwards and backwards, his pain seemed to fade away and get replaced by pleasure.

Shubman started to fuck him intently, thrusting deep, knowing too well where Ishan's prostate is, and abusing the spot quite a thousand times. It was a dream for Ishan as he felt the rumming inside him and the hot bubbly feeling made a u turn and he could feel it again in his stomach.

Shubman mumbled,

"Cum whenever you want."

Shubman somehow turned Ishan's face to the side and pressed their lips together. Soon, they came all over the counter and kitchen floor and of course on each other while they were kissing and both could swear that it was the best sex they've ever had.

Shubman let Ishan relax before he pulled out Ishan as the smaller boy still tried to catch his breath.

"You wanna shower?"

Ishan somehow tried to see Shubman by his side eye,

"Thanks for making my day a better shub."

Ishan smiled lamely as his boyfriend smiled back,

"I'm happy to make you happy."

Then shubman noticed the bank aid on Ishan's leg,

"What happened here?"

"Nothing, just a little scratch."

Ishan said and turned to face Shubman on his elbows. Shubman lifted him up and made him sit on the counter.

"I'm sorry Ishu, I wanted to spend time with you today."

Ishan smiled wrapping his hands around his boyfriend's neck.

"But this was worth it."

And Shubman smiled before sealing it
with a kiss...

One full story for today.

Valentine's day was such a tiring ones. I turned my attention there, couple, I look in the other direction, again one couple.
I want to be single, but I also feel like crying when I see couple and think why don't I have a boyfriend.

But iss thobre ke sang Mera kuch nahi ho sakta.

Chan se Jo tute koi sapnaaaa
Jag suna suna lage
Jag suna suna lage
Koi rahe na jab apnaaaaaa
Jag suna suna lage
Jag suna suna lage

Okay guys please give me a nice idea about arguing. What's your opinion on why should a couple argue? My next oneshot will be somewhat like that so please inform to me that on what topics can a couple argue?

Okay guyss byee🤣🤣😭😭

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