Mpreg (Rohit x Virat)

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Here I come with another oneshot requested by one of my adorable readers. I don't take you guys' names because I think some can be uncomfortable. Please don't mind.

This contains no smut, but it'll have so much fluff and fluff you guys can pick up candies and read.

Top :- Rohit
Bottom :- Virat

So here I present you my story...

"R..Rohit ahh.. it's painin-ng."

Virat cried in the operation centre, trying to thrash his legs but he couldn't because a little but a very cute creature was coming out from between his legs.

"It'll be okay baby, take deep breaths, yeah? You can do it."

Rohit tried his best to console the boy. He had no idea how much it was hurting Virat but seeing his husband's face smudged with tears, and crying and shouting, is really freaking him out and getting him worried.

"R..Rohit, I-I-"

Virat chocked on his words as Rohit tightly gripped his lovers hands.

"Please keep pushing! We see the head!"

The doctor shouted as Virat threw his head back giving all the energy he had.

"V-Vi that's our baby, our baby. You can do it! Keep trying!"

Virat somehow smiled between his tears as his breathing went heavier,

"I-I don't t-t-think I-I can m-make it."

Virat gasped out. Rohit's eyes widened as he immediately moved closer to Virat,

"Never say that vi. Y-you are strong. You'll make it through. Don't give up please!"

"I-I l..l-love you p-panda."


Me :- Do not be afraid kiddos. Everything will be fine. I took the responsibility of making you guys happy!


"Virat's opening his eyes!"

After hearing the shout from Rahul, Rohit immediately rushed to Virat, holding his hand and sitting beside him.


"Yes baby, look, I said you can make it."

Rohit kissed the back of his hand lovingly.

"M-my baby?"

Virat asked, he was weak. He needed to rest.

"You want to see her?"

Virat's eyes widened though he was tired.

"I-it's a girl?"


Rohit said as few tears slipped his eyes. Virat chocked, but said,

"C-can I have h-her?"

Rohit nodded a good one and went up to bring the sleeping baby from its rib. He handed it to Virat and as soon as Virat got his princess in his arms, he broke down too.

"S-she's so cute."

"Yes, just like you."

Rohit said and kissed his husband's forehead.

"Thank you Virat. You made me the happiest person ever in this world."

"Thanks to you too panda, without you it would've been impossible for me."

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