Attention (Mahi x Jaddu)

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I have got so many rohirat requests, but please hold on. I cannot update rohirat back to back. There has to be other ships too. The next one will be again on Rahul and Shreyas and then it'll come to one of Rohirat.

Okay I seriously like jaddu performing the bottom, but since my lovely reader has asked for this, I was like I've to make it, doesn't matter whatever it takes.

Power bottom :- jaddu

And you can understand the reference that what mahi is. So let's start the story...

"Mahi please, I'm working."

Jaddu said typing on the computer, very fast. Mahi pouted on the other hand and stopped his gloryful dance that he was presenting for his boyfriend. He went all grumpy and sat down on the sofa and took out his phone. Then suddenly, his attention fell towards Jaddu's being hands which were typing very fast.

"Wow jad. Your veiny fingers are just so attractive."

Mahi said in a whispering voice in his utmost desire to around jad and give him some attention too, but jad just closed his eyes and gulped down the words out of Mahi's mouth, trying not to fall in his boyfriend's trick.

"Keep quiet mahi. You're really distracting me."

"Oh janab ko ab main distract kar Raha hu? Ok then! Do whatever you want!"

Mahi said and stormed out of the cabin. It was all an act. He just wanted some attention. He's really having mood swings today, god knows why, and who's better than your loved ones in your mood swings. And for mahi, it was his jad. He was in his office for past 2 hours but jaddu never spared a glance towards the boy who was failing miserably to gain some attention.

Mahi sighed, he's already out of his lover's cabin. He just can't walk back. So he started to go towards the lift, ready to exit the office building. He pressed the lift button and waited. His lift came soon as the door opened. He was just about to step in when he felt a harsh grip on his wrist that dragged him off to somewhere.

Mahi knew the grip. It was familiar.

"Jad!! Let go of me!!"

Mahi shouted a little getting the other employee's attention, but jad was not in the moment to leave. Mahi kept refusing and shouting and trying to stop jad from dragging him the whole route, but was failing miserably.

The employees knew what was going to happen. It was happened 3-4 times before too.

Jaddu entered his office with mahi and pushed him on the chair.

"What do you think you were doing?"

Jaddu asked with gritted teeth. Mahi looked down playing with his fingers, ignoring Jad.

"Do I have to teach you that you need to look at me when I'm talking to you?"

Mahi still didn't look up. Jad sighed, bending down to match Mahi's eye level.

"Look at me, Mahi." He asked in a soft voice. Mahi looked up at him with a cute pout formed on his face. Jaddu cooed and hugged him, but that was all, he whispered in Mahi's ear smirking,

"You wanted my attention right? I'll give you so much that you'll now regret it."

Mahi shivered at Jaddu's words as he adjusted himself a bit in the chair. And soon he realised that his hands are tied with roped at the arms of the chair. His eyes widened as he started to try and free himself.

"J-jad? Why is this needed?"

He asked looking up at jaddu who was busy unbuttoning his shirt. He threw it away somewhere and kneeled in front of mahi.

"Because this isn't to pleasure you. You need to learn a lesson about how to behave when I ask you not to disturb me."

Mahi's breath quickened and he shut his eyes closed when he felt jaddu tearing away his shirt. He soon felt soft peppering kisses down his chest all the way to his belly button and then back up. He threw his head back and bit his lip when he felt jaddu sucking on his collarbone area followed by biting it in little. Soon, his tongue again roamed around the same area as if in a try to reduce the pain.

Mahi felt his dick harden and twitch to a unbearable point when Jaddu sucked all the way up his neck. Jaddu's soft lips brushed against Mahi's plump ones, but he didn't kiss the boy on the chair. Mahi whined a little at the absence on his lover's lips on his, but it seemed like jaddu didn't even care.

Jaddu again attacked his neck marking mahi, here and there while his hands worked on Mahi's belt. And in no time Mahi's pant and underwear flew across the room to land somewhere.

Jaddu detached him from his boyfriend and started to unbuckle his
own belt as he felt a pair of eyes on him. He smirked seeing mahi checking him out.

Mahi drooled shamelessly upon Jaddu's smooth silky silhoutte of abs, milky skin and mostly the bump in his private part indicating how much horny he is just because of mahi.

"Like what you see, baby?"

Mahi flinched out of his imaginations and blushed hard. Though it's been 2 years since they've been together, but true love never makes you fail to blush. Jaddu slipped out of his garments in one go.

"This is yours only. You don't need to check like you're losing it."

Jaddu said and stroked his length a little. Though he said to mahi that it was a punishment, he was in no mood to give one, as the moment just made him want to make love with his boyfriend. But that didn't mean that he'll free mahi.

"You haven't got lube here?"

Mahi asked looking at Jaddu's big length,

"No, I don't think I need it."

Mahi nodded. He doesn't absolutely care. If he's getting the privilege to get his dick inside Jaddu, then nothing else attracts him.

Jaddu sat on Mahi's lap and slowly lowered himself down according to Mahi's length. Both groaned, as sounds of pleasure left both of their mouths and they closed their eyes to savour into the moment. Jaddu waited for a few moment before rising a little up and falling back down erupting a gasp from Mahi.

"F..fuck you're so tight like before."

Jaddu started to repeat his previous action many more times. Their moaning, groaning and skin slapping sounds filled the whole room. Mahi was struggling as he didn't get to hold jaddu, but Jaddu's hand were on Mahi's hands, interwining them together, not letting him feel the absence of his own and not leaving his side.

Soon, pre cum leaked down Jaddu's hole. It was difficult to tell if it was Mahi's or Jaddu's.

Both their lips were parted, as none of the world mattered now. Jaddu leaned down and crashed his lips upon Mahi's when he felt his own orgasm hitting him like a truck. But too his surprise the kiss brought mahi at his edge, and both of them spurted their seeds almost together.

Both panted, as the smell of sex filled the whole room.

"A hot shower?"

Jaddu suggested, getting out of Mahi's dick.

"Please untie me first."

Mahi said panting as jaddu smiled pitifully,


He untied mahi as both made their way towards the bathroom and slipped in the bathtub together...

The rest you can imagine if they'd just clean themselves and each other or have another round😏

Well, sorry for the late update, the last few days were quite a headache so I was actually busy. But anyways, I'll try to update more often.

If you liked it then please do vote and comment!


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