Complaint (Mahi x Jaddu) (part 1)

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Okay guys, I know that almost 95% of you have read the other book titled 'ICT BL oneshots' by cricketxshots. If you remember in one rohirat oneshots in that book, Virat seduced Rohit in order to gain his forgiveness. And this mischievous idea of seducing was given by our naughty Jaddu. So Rohit decides that he needs to complain about him to Mahi. And so, this story is based on that only.

Top :- Mahi
Bottom :- Jaddu

Rohit held Virat's hand as they paced towards Mahi's and Jaddu's room.

Virat said, "Do we have to do this Ro? Why get him in trouble."

Virat pouted. Rohit shook his head,

"No no no. You're telling this because he's your friend. We can't let you guys be a brat to this extent."

"That's not fair. He helped me, I don't wanna trouble him."

Rohit looked at Virat with one eyebrow raised,

"So you want to have his punishment as well?"

Immediately Virat's head dropped. He just followed Rohit. Soon they reached their destination. Rohit knocked on the door softly as mahi opened the door,

"Hey Rohit, what brings you here?"

"Um, I actually wanted to talk to you."

"Of course come inside."

They went inside, Jaddu was on the bed and soon he jumped after seeing Virat,

"Hey Virat!"

Jaddu came down the bed and hugged Virat. But Virat couldn't give off the energy as he was not happy.

"What happened? Why do you look so dull?"

Virat couldn't say anything, just said,

"I'm sorry."

Before jaddu could ask Virat something, Rohit spoke,

"Mahi bhai I came to talk about your boyfriend."

Everyone's attention fell on him. Mahi was confused.

"Why? What did he do? Did he disturb you or something?"

"No no, let me speak."

Everyone sat down. Jaddu was scared. He didn't do anything, so what was this conversation about.

"I was giving vi a silent treatment, because he needed it. I'm sure you've done it too sometimes. And we do that against our will, nobody wants to ignore their love, but we only do that because they deserve it sometimes. And your lovely boyfriend is full of mischievous ideas, of how to break that and gain our attention. And he's delivering these ideas everywhere, I don't like it. He shouldn't do it. Otherwise, our silent treatment will never be worth it."

Rohit finished his speech as there was a sad Virat, scared jaddu and angry mahi.

"I just wanted to tell you this. Just talk to him about this."

Saying this, he stood up.

"Let's go Virat."

Virat looked at jaddu, who had his head down.

"Jad, I'm sorry."

Jaddu smiled and looked up to him,

"It's fine. You don't have to apologise."

With that Virat stood up and looked at mahi who was looking at him. He approached Mahi and said,

"Please don't hurt him."

Mahi smiled at him, this boy is just so pure.

"I will never do that Virat, you can be sure of that."

Virat nodded as he walked out with Rohit and their door fell. Mahi looked at jaddu with fierce eyes, who was just looking down all the time.

"What was this jad? Now do I have to hear complaints about you from others? Why are you such a brat sometimes? I hate to say this but you're crossing your limit. Helping your friends is good, but in this case, it's absolutely their choice. Why did you interfere?"

Jaddu couldn't find words.

"Now you suddenly don't have a tongue to speak." Mahi said sarcastically as jaddu sincerely felt bad.

"I've to punish you it seems."

Jaddu's eyes widened as he looked up at his boyfriend, not really in the mood to take a punishment.


Mahi sat down on the bed and patted his own lap.

"Lie down."

He ordered.


"Lie down I said!"

Mahi shouted a little making the poor boy flinch, as jaddu took baby steps towards him and at last, lied down on Mahi's lap with his stomach facing down.

Mahi pulled down his pants and underwear in one go before soothingly rubbing his left ass cheek,

"Why are you getting punished?"

"B..because I meddled in someone else's buisness."

"Good, and even went in the extent of their personal buisness."

Jaddu closed his eyes ready to gulp down the spanks.

"You count each and every one. You forget to count, we start from the top. I think you remember the rules."

Jaddu nodded and the next moment gasped with a little sound as he felt a sharp pain of Mahi's hand spanking his ass,

"I need words."


The first spank landed on his right ass cheek as jaddu shouted out loud, tears already brimming in his eyes. Of course, mahi had a strong hand, he played the helicopter shots, and just one spank is enough for you to remember your grandmother.

Time spend

On the way of 28, Jaddu forgot to count as it started again from the top and in all total, jaddu got 64 spanks. He was a sobbing mess, his face was covered with tears and his ass was whole red. His state was really terrible.

Mahi made him sit up softly, knowing that his ass would really pain very much. Jaddu immediately hugged him tightly and started sobbing on his chest as mahi rubbed his back soothingly.

"Shh shh baby, stop crying, it's fine, shh."

Mahi tried to best to stop the boy from crying but no result. Because jaddu has never received so many spanks because he never forgot to count. God knows what happened with him today.

"Do you want me to apply some cream?"

" ended, *hiccup* l..ast time."

"Shit. I forgot to buy another one. Do you want to go get ice cream?"

Jaddu's teary eyes immediately started to glow,

" would buy me?"

"Anything for my baby boy."

Mahi smiled kissing his forehead.

"You're the best!"

Jaddu started jumping on Mahi's lap and kissed his cheek multiple times.

Mahi just couldn't believe how this angel loved him so much just after getting so many spanks.

"I love you angel."

Mahi said kissing his lips.

"Love you too, mahi."

Sunday means, there has to be an update!

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