Chapter 25

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Rayan Point Of View

I finally pulled up in front of Jacobs moms house since I was invited to the barbeque and since I know that Jacob is going to be here I have a feeling he is going to bring Yn and my kids along as well I might as well get her back now.

I knocked on the door when Ms. Perez opened the door with a house warming smile on her face.

"Rayan , I haven't seen you since you and Yn ran off and got married . How have you been" Ms. Perez asked as she invited me into her warm home .

"Oh Ms. Perez , I missed you too . I have been doing not so well since I haven't seen Yn or our kids in months since she left and didn't even say why? I love her but she just left me which made me start to drink and smoke ." I ranted as she overed her mouth in shock .

"Awe Ray Im so sorry to hear that ,well they are here and I'll put Yn and you into a room so you guys can work things out while I watch your kids for you in the mean time come outside with us " she asked .

"Umm I want to surprise her , I'll be in Jacob's old room , just tell her she has a guest , I can't wait to see my baby" I smiled basically telling the truth since Yn left with my kids I lost it , I literally stopped my drinking habits , I have anger management classes and I am actually improving for the sake of Yn and my kids . I walked into Jacob's old room to see Kenan and Kelly sound asleep , my kids looked so peaceful , I can't wait until their back home and I can show them that I can be the best father I can be.

I took a picture of them asleep and post it on Instagram I remember when I was in MB the fans hated Yn but loved my kids and I instantly got over 30K likes and comments saying

"awe Kenan and Kelly are so cute"

"You can make cute babies , but with a ugly broad "

"Why Yn over your fans , she can't show you the love you deserve"

I shook my head at the comments as I logged out of instagram when the door opened revealing Yn with a fearful expression on her face.

Your Point Of View

I was having fun with my friends that I haven't seen since high school and family while the kids were upstairs sleeping in Jacobs old room when Mrs. Perez told me I had a guest ? I was confused on why someone wanted to talk to me privately and not out here.

I asked who was it ? And all she did was smile in my face as she pulled me inside the house away from everybody else .

"Your guests is waiting in Jakey Old bed room" Mrs. Perez stated as she scurried towards the kitchen as I made my way slowly up the stairs towards Jacobs old room.

I had a feeling that something was up as I stood in front of Jacobs old room door I was contemplating whether or not if I should open the door or just walk away but I chose my second choice by walking into the room seeing my kids fast asleep and someone standing over them , the person turned around as I felt as every breathe of air was knocked out of my system as I saw the one person that brought me to tears all the 5 years of our marriage Mr. Rayan Smith


Cliffhanger sorry its short but I have other story request I have to grant

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