Chapter 27

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Rayan POV

After I left Jacobs house I went to pay Zonnique a little visit so I could see my son before I go to my anger management class .

"So you also have a baby momma Ray" Jessica stated as I pulled up at Stars house.

Don't worry I'm still gonna drop her ass as well so I can have my wife and kids back .

"Shut the fuck up and stay quite " I shouted before exiting the vehicle walking up to her front door ringing the door bell as the door swung open revealing Zonnique with Rayan Jr on her hips smiling at me.

"Well hello Ray" Star stated seductively as she pulled me inside the house putting Rayan next to his toys .

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for my son, Rayan come here" I smiled as he ran over to me almost falling over the rug on the floor .

"Hi daddy I missed you" He chirped as I picked him up kissing all over His face.

"I missed you too son, how bout you go to your room I'll be there shortly to come get you ok" I said placing him on the floor as he ran to his room.

"Zonnique I want my son to live with me" I stated looking directly at her.

"What do you mean baby" She smiled sitting on my lap.

"I am not your baby, now get the hell off of me" I screamed pushing her off of me.

"Owe Ray what's gotten into you, Oh I see was it that retched wife of yours " She laughed like everything was a joke.

I walked out of the living room to Rayans room to pack his things and His favorite toy before picking him up to take him to the car

"And where do you think your going with my son Ray" Star fummed as I was opening my car door placing him in.

"And who is this bitch in the front seat" She yelled furiously .

"The names Jessica hoe that's my name don't ware it out bitch" Jessica yelled back as she stepped out of the car.

"Oh so your just his booty call that he cheated on his dumb ass wife with , that's funny cause you ugly as hell" Star laughed

But Jessica wasn't having it she punched the taste right out of Zonniques mouth

"Say something now bitch" Jessica fummed as she watched Zonnique holding her bleeding mouth.

"Fucking Bitch" Star yelled throwing Jessica to the floor .

To be honest this fight was useless and funny but the neighbors were watching and I had to stop it

"Mommy stop it" Rayan Jr cried as he saw his mom and Jessica fighting in the grass.

"Daddy make them stop" by now he was a crying mess holding on to his teddy bear.

I rushed over pulling Zonnique away from Jessica pulling her inside the house.

"Let me get the bitch Ray" she yelled in my face.


I looked down to see her on the floor holding her face as hot tears rushed down her cheeks , I never hit star before but she's the reason I'm abusive to Yn .

"Don't you ever in your right mind act that way in front of Jessica nor our son or anyone for that matter if you decide to do so I will put you in your place do you understand " I fummed

She didn't reply I got angry lifting my hand again as she flinched in response.

"DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME BITCH" I yelled grabbing her hair pulling her up the stairs.

And no I wasn't going to fuck her I was going to show her what she turned me into an Abusive monster....

Zonnique in the Media

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