Chapter 21

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Your POV

I wonder which sick fucker started that fire in my daughters room and why.

Jacob went back home to get his stuff and our stuff cause where staying at a hotel down the street of the hospital I watched as Kenan held Kelly's hand as she was still hooked up to all those machines and beepers and breathing equipment strapped to her nose I could hardly look at her like this who would do such a thing to a 4 year old girl I looked up to see Kenan lying next to his sister making her feel safe I smiled at the site of it.

"I got a room for us and the kids" Jacob said as he walked in .

I jumped he scared the living shit out of me

"Sorry did I scare you Yn" He said worried .

"A little but you can take Kenan with you am staying here" You said packing up Kenans things.

"I know what your feeling right now but Yn am not leaving you here you need your rest we have been here since 2am its 10:30 In the morning for gods sake get some rest you look tired." He said truthfully .

I was fed up with people taking over my life and telling me what I can and can't do

I stood to my feet handing Jacob Kenans things and a sleeping Kenan

"You need sleep Yn" He kept repeating instantly.

"No am fine I need to be with my daughter until she wakes up " I told him sternly.

He quickly gave up and left with Kenan to the hotel as I started plotting a plan to find the person who tried to kill my daughter.

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