Chapter 2

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Still Your POV

After Kenan packed his stuff i started making making dinner before Ray came home

"Mommy i did what you said" Kenan said walking in the kitchen with his empty cup.

" OK sweety go bathe your sister from mommy please while i finish making dinner OK" I said as i stir the spaghetti in the pot.

"Kelly come on mommy said its time for a bathe" Kenan said carrying Kelly upstairs.

25 mins later

dinner was ready and served as Ray walked in threw the door gripping my waist as i whimpered in pain.

"Missed me babe" Ray said as he pulled me closer to him i could smell perfume and liquor on him . He cheated once again.

"Hey babe" I said holding back the tears.

"Am horny come to the bed room real quick" He said softly. i didn't want to but if i didn't he would hit me .

"O-ok I-im coming" I shuttered out.

"Don't make me wait or else you wont like it" He said threw is gritted teeth then smacked my ass.

I turned off the stove and put the dirty dishes in the sink then checked on the kids they where playing on the Xbox then went to Our bedroom where i saw no sign off Ray that's when i felt i sting from the back of my head. i cried out in pain i turned to see Ray with a belt .

"Didnt i say dont keep me waiting" Ray said Angrily.

"Im S-sorry b-baby" I cried out backing away from him.

"Bitch What i said about lying" Slaps you endlessly.

You screamed and cried then everything went Black.......


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