Chapter 20

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At the Hospital

Your POV

Every thing happened so fast like as soon as we got to the hospital they brought Kelly into ICU for surgery i cried i couldn't stop crying i just couldn't i couldn't afford loosing another child i already lost twins because of Ray now this shit happens i think am a bad mother .

I try my best to be the best mother in the world i try to give my kids everything in life, I put them before everything i do i always put my kids first now 1 more fuck up caused my only Daughter to be in this mess.

Kenan cried the entire time to the hospital and so did Jacob, He was calling his mother telling her what happened my heart ached as it felt like i couldn't breathe anymore.

"Family of Kelly Anita Lopez" A doctor said walking up to us with an unreadable look on his face.

Jacob and I got up walking up to the doctor

" It seems as if she is Fine, we took the smoke gases out of her system but do any of you know what started this fire" The doctor asked concerned.

" No! we all were asleep then we smelt smoke and ran towards it to see a cup of smoke and Kelly coughing then suddenly stopped breathing" Jacob said wiping his tears.

"Well do you have cameras in your house Mr. Perez" The doctor asked.

" Yes and what does this have to do with my little princess" Jacob said mournfully.

" well by the looks of it something or someone started that fire in your daughters room for a reason" the doctor said.

I got into deep thought. Who would want to hurt my daughter and why

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