Chapter 22

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Cameron POV

After I started that fire in that bitches daughters room I was satisfied but I noticed Jacob didn't come home last night he must be with that bitch I tightened my fist just as the thought of it.

I hope her daughter dies I smiled at the thought before I started killing up the house waiting for Jacobs arrival I even slept in his room in his shirt why can't he be mine already. I will get him of it means killing that bitch and her kids while am at it.

Your POV

It's been a week since I have been at the hospital with Kelly well she is finally awake and recovering from the fire her asthma pressure went down to her normal pace Jacob and Kenan visited everyday leaving her presents and hugs and kisses I was so happy my baby was ok the cops came over when she was awake to figure out who started the fire but none of us knew.

"Jacob can you sign Kelly out while I get her dressed" I asked as the police left to search the mansion for cameras.

"Sure sweety" Jacob smiled before walking out the hospital room.

I quickly got Kelly dressed and we left out to the front just in time to see JACOB finishing up the papers he looked up smiling at us when he saw us . Kelly saw Kenan and ran into his arms that's the brother sister bond they always had and I hope it never changes. I was snapped out of my thoughts when arms rested around my waist and an huge afro tickling my neck I knew it was Jacob

"Let's get back to the hotel am sleepy as hell" Jacob whispered in your ear as he kissed your cheek.

We all walked out to the car and strapped in before heading off to the hotel.

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