Chapter 26

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Your POV

When I saw Rayan I froze immediately, what was he doing here.

"Hey baby , Wow you look beautiful" He said smiling as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

I was still speechless because of the fear I still had in my body when I'm always around him.

"You know I miss you and the kids" He spoke once more walking closer towards me as I backed up into the wall scared to death .

He sighed before sitting down on the bed facing the kids as they slept peacefully , yet I'm surprised he hasn't latched out and whooped my ass for not answering him when he spoke to me.

"look , I just came here to get you home , I miss my kids and my wife and I'm sorry for all the pain I've always caused you and my kids, Yn I swear to god that I'm trying to change for the better " He spoke as he stroked Kelly's hair as she tossed and turned in her sleep .

"Why Ray? Why would you always lay your hands on me? Why would you always come home drunk? Why would you always cheat on me ? What have I done wrong to diverse all of this hurt and pain Rayan?" I pleaded.

Believe it or not I didn't even know I was crying until he wrapped his arms around me rocking us from you side to side. I wanted answers and I need them now.

"Why Ray?" I asked again as he patted a side on the bed next to him for me to sit down.

I sat beside him ready to hear the whole reason to why he acted like this towards me.

"It all started when the guys and I were coming home from the Number 1 Girl tour , And we went clubbing and I know you don't like Star but we all got drunk and we slept together ....."

He passed to see if I was still listening and I was fuming but I chose not to show it

"Continue Talking Rayan" I said as calm as possible.

"Well the day I came home like 3 weeks later when you went to the hospital Star visited telling me she was pregnant but I told her I was with you and Kenan just turned 2 at the time ... She umm told me to leave you or she will kill the baby I didn't know what to do.... When she left I grabbed every beer bottle drinking it down that day trying to figure out how I was going to tell you , that's when you came home all happy saying you love me and that you know I would never cheat ,well that made me feel guilty ..... When I told you I wasn't feeling well you basically was all up on me , next thing I know everything was black .

I woke up in the bed , I went downstairs and found you bleeding out on the stairs so I took you to the hospital that the day I found out we lost the twins but one baby survived out of the triplets and that was Kelly ... After Kelly was born Star wouldn't stop coming over threatening to hurt my family if I don't leave you and the kids for her then I started drinking like an everyday thing and then you'll come home all happy and I would hate it .... Its like every time I look at you every thing just goes black I'll wake up in our bed room and you'll be somewhere in the house bleeding to death because of my actions and now I'm taking anger management , I have a son named Rayon Jr. He's 4 and I miss my wife and kids Yn please I know I messed up but I want to make up for the hurt and pain I cause for you and my kids , I want a fresh start... I am also taking therapy and everything , I'll make sure I show you how much I love you Yn like they say Actions speak LOUDER than WORDS.

He held my hand and kissed it before getting up walking up to the kids giving them a kiss on the cheek and left two gift bags for them since he haven't seen them in 10 months since we left .

He walked back over to me has I tensed up on how close he was to me, he placed his hands on my face pulling me into a sweet yet passionate heart warming kiss it hurts that I still felt sparks after he pulled away before walking out the room leaving me dumbfound .

Was Ray finally turning back into the man I fell in love with back in high school our was he just acting ??

I shook my head as the thought of Star got in my head , she's the reason I have cuts and bruise from the man I loved And now he has a son by the bitch .

But let's just say I won't go done with out a fight

Bring it on Star (Zonnique)

Yn in the Media

Rayan POV

I walked back out towards my car to see Jessica asleep , if I want to get my wife and family back I have to drop all my hoes including Jessica , starting with changing my number and bonding with Rayon and Stay away from Star sent broke Yn and I up too many times and now I have a son with her I won't be a dead beat dad to him , I'll treat Rayon like I would treat my own kids , Star and I need to talk I might just take full custody of Rayon as well while I'm at it

The bitch is too crazy and I don't want that influence around my 4 year old son

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