Chapter 19

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The Next Day

Cameron POV

I woke up early to plot my plan on Yn kids. I want Jacob to love me not her .

I walked to her daughters room since she's asthmatic I light a small fire in a cup as it sparked into smoke as she started stirring then coughing .

I quietly exited her child's room happily walking back into mine I hope this causes Yn to leave for good.

Your POV

I woke up to someone screaming and coughing I ran towards the kids rooms, Kenan was sleeping peacefully in his room I rushed towards Kelly's room I heard her coughing and wheezing I hurried and unlocked her door to see smoke

"Kelly baby where are you" I said trying not to inhale the smoke fumes

"Mommy " Kelly said before coughing continuously

I rushed over to her bed and grabbed her as she passed out into my Arms

"JACOB " I yelled still holding Kelly checking her pulse she wasn't breathing I cried . "JACOB, KENAN" I yelled again

" Mommy what's wrong with Kelly" Kenan said confused.

" What's that awful smell" Jacob said half sleep

" Take me to the hospital damn it Jacob , Kelly is dying" I said crying as Kenan and Jacob got there shoes on rushing us into the car towards the hospital

Cameron's POV

I want her daughter to die I hope she dies I hope my plan works and then Jacob will be with me and not that bitch things here was way better before she came here I hope and pray her daughter fucking dies

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