Chapter 32

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Rayan POV

I don't even know where to begin as I pulled out the drive way of my house in anger . The way Rj cried and the purple marks I saw when Yn picked him up to calm his nerves all I saw was Red how dare she lay a hand on a defenseless infant and her friends too I'm seething with Rage beyond compare as I turned on the street her house was on . I didn't even park properly as I slammed to do to my rolls Royce before kicking down the front door to see Bahja , Zonnique , and India sitting on the couch treating the wounds niqniq received from Yn 5 hours ago .

They all looked up and when they saw my face Bahja immediately stood in front of Zonnique to protect her from what I'm about to do.

Bahja: why are you here Rayan , as you can see your not welcomed here anymore
Rayan: Bahja last time I checked the house is in my motherfucking name so I can do whatever the fuck I please in this bitch because it's my fucking house

I yelled as a flipped the coffee table over in rage , frightening the fuck out of everybody

Yes be scared because y'all hoes ain't seen nothing yet.

Your POV

As both Kenan and Kelly packed there things as I told them to I brought Rj upstairs and showered him in Luke warm water he whined in pain that his back hurts , all the purplish blue marks on his back were so swollen it hurts me to see them and can't do a thing about them .  After I showered him I dried him off and added some organic ointment to the wounds on his back before putting on his clothes and grabbing his car seat .
Heading down the stairs I grabbed the snacks I packed for all the kids making sure they have all their stuff before strapping them in their seats and turning on the child lock . I looked back at them to make sure everyone was fine before I sticker my key in the ignition before starting my Mercedes Benz pulled out the drive way heading back to Jacobs house . I wonder if he'll take the kids from me before I head over to that bitches house . She got some nerve to let her friends abuse her child and don't even give a damn . Was my beating 5 hours ago not sink into that thick skull of hers I just hope Rayan doesn't do anything that would cause him to go to jail before I get there ... I hope I make it in time is what I thought as I pulled up to Jacobs drive way to see him outside taking a quick smoke.... lord help me


Sorry I took almost 2 years of writers block and didn't finish up the stories I promised but I'm back and I'm here to keep that promise to the people that enjoy my stories . Again thank you for reading I will be updating as frequently as I can on most of my books pretty soon

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